Finding The Good In Life


Congratulations on making it to the end of Semester 1, half way through the year! 


Now, this statement can elicit two types of responses, one, "Wow, I can't believe we're already halfway through the year!" or "My goodness this year has it really only half way through the year?" What would your response have been?


In the craziness of life, I've learnt not to dwell too long on the here and now, right now things may feel messy, unsettled, overwhelming and we can feel annoyed and frustrated, but staying in that place isn't good for anyone.  


I like to use the analogy of lifting your gaze, from focussing on the things that are tripping you up right now at your feet, to lifting your gaze to notice the things that are coming your way, perhaps just a little over the horizon, or to take a minute and look back at the experiences, encounters and interactions you've had.  


I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.


For me the good, exciting and life giving moments far outweigh the frustrating and annoying ones. 


My prayer would be that this would be true for you too. 


So, as we wrap up Semester 1, I encourage you to ask your children about things they have experienced this Semester that have made them smile, it might have been on camp or an excursion, a guest speaker or a sporting event, or even just getting to play with friends.  But also, as we go into holidays, what are they looking forward to? As a staff we often talk about things that fill our bucket, what will we do over the holidays to replenish and recreate ourselves in readiness for a Term 3?  What do you do for you? For those people in your care?


For those that are fortunate enough to have holidays, may they be safe, refreshing and a time of connection. For those that don't, I pray the change of pace will be a blessing in itself.


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”