Student Achievement

Hana H, Rayan Y & Saskia W represented the EDFL in the AFL Victoria Metropolitan Junior Development Series recently. They have one more game to play over the upcoming school holidays. Good luck girls!
Past Student's Success
Many staff and students will remember Angus Beaumont who graduated from CHS in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Angus was an important part of the performing arts technical team at CHS, always on hand to help out with concerts, assemblies and productions.After graduating he was accepted to an internship at the Arts Centre Melbourne where he is learning all about sound and lighting and every technical aspect of production in the professional world of concerts and theatre.I’ve been taking a break from teaching Voice at CHS and have been touring with the musical AnAmerican In Paris and I ran into Angus backstage at the State Theatre. He told me he was loving his time at Arts Centre Melbourne, particularly the fact that he was getting hands on experience in such a variety of skills. Projection, rigging, mic fitting, and being part of the team that bumps the various shows in and out of the theatres are just some of the experiences he is having. He is currently the projection and play back operator for the Australian Ballets production of KunstKamer which is playing at the State Theatre. So if you have a chance to check it out, everything you can see (apart from the dancers) and anything not being played by the orchestra is brought to you by Coburg's own Angus Beaumont!
Anne Wood