Teaching & Learning

Some highlights from our Year 10 Program
The Year 10s have had a busy couple of weeks finalising their learning for semester one and thinking about their future pathways in VCE and beyond. In week 7, all of our Year 10 students worked through their end of semester exams to show what they had learned and understood in all of their subjects over the semester. Then in week 8, the cohort participated in a full week of Work Experience. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to gain experience and understanding in a workplace setting of their choice. We had students work across a number of different sectors including business, hospitality, recreation, commerce, health, government and more. Well done to all of the students who worked hard in their positions and learnt a lot about a possible future pathway for them. We're proud of how you represented our school out in the world!
Here is a lovely quote from one of our employers:
I am a volunteer at The Brotherhood of St. Laurence Brunswick store and was able to work with Lily and Michaela, two of your Year 10 students on work experience today.
Not only were they both diligent in any task that they were asked to undertake, but I was impressed with their confidence and respect for the workers at the store.
I believe that such behaviour filters down from the attitude of the school staff, so wish to compliment the students, teachers and executive on their work.
Kind regards,
Helena Leone
Over the last week, the Year 10s have participated in the Big Week Forward. This week has been tailored to support our students to reflect on their learning and growth, consider the different pathway options in Year 11 and 12, and begin to make some decisions about what they want to achieve in their studies to support the pathways they are working towards. They have listened to presentations about being successful in the final years and the make up of the VCE and the VCE VM. They also rotated through a special VCE subject expo where they learnt about all of the different subjects on offer in 2023 and were able to ask questions about which of these subjects best suited their interests and needs.
On Friday our Year 9s and 10s have the opportunity to participate in our Course Counselling program. Students will be able sit down with a teacher they work closely with to share and discuss the thinking behind some of their options for 2023. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and feel confident about the choices they will be making as part of the subject selection process in Term 3. We want all of our students to find a program that excites and engages them - this will be the best indicator of their success in 2023!
The following poem was written by Daniel M in Year 8 in our poetry unit. He took up the extension task to write a poem in the form of Taliesin, as per the link here.
Brilliantina by Daniel M
I am Brilliantina. I play a perfect game of tennis,
As I will until the very end of the universe.
My patron is Roger Federer.
I know why the ball arcs in the air as it does,
I know why a blackhole can exist,
Why birds know where to fly when the weather changes,
Why butterflies die in only a few days,
Why dark matter exists,
and is growing all the time.
I know who I am,
I know why people do what they do,
I know why some people are corrupted,
I know why I have been born how I am,
I know why EVERYTHING is as it is.
I have been a brave knight fighting for glory,
A cow grazing in the meadows,
A bird soaring through the sky,
A trickle of water that steadily becomes a torrent,
A humble atom, floating through the air,
A king ruling the stage,
I have been EVERYTHING.
I am Brilliantina.
Recently Year 7s interviewed someone about their passion, and created an article. Here is Ruby's amazing creation:
Reconciliation Week
Wanyara Incursion for Year Sevens
As part of Coburg High's recognition of reconciliation week, the Year Sevens had the privilege of having the Wanyara team facilitate different workshops throughout the day. Wanyara provided Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural experiences to help our Year Sevens understand, and embrace, an Aboriginal perspective of our country. Activities included 'Play', 'Paint', 'Yarn' and 'Dance'. It was an amazing experience and will surely add to our community's greater understanding of Aboriginal perspectives and cultures.
James Stephens
Year 7 Student Support
Tai Chi
Simone's Year 8 Mandarin class recently took part in a Tai Chi session, a wonderful way to practice mindfulness and experience another part of Chinese culture.