Principal's Report

Welcome to Term 3
I hope that all members of our school community enjoyed the break. Our focus in the first half of the year has been on providing opportunities for students and we were able to pack in more than our usual number of camps, excursions, incursions and events. In the last week of term, Student Voice Leaders were treated to a Leadership Camp and this week our Year 11 students are heading to Gippsland for their camp. Our Professional Learning Day for all staff on Monday 11 July was focused on supporting students in the second half of the year, with our emphasis being on increasing the resilience and wellbeing of all students, through building and maintaining strong student-staff relationships.
COVID safety @ CHS
On Monday, I sent all members of our school community a newsfeed regarding COVID. I would like to reiterate the current advice from the Victorian government on the wearing of face masks, available here.
The advice states: wearing a face mask can help protect you and those around you. Face masks stop droplets spreading when you talk, cough, sneeze and laugh, which lowers your chance of spreading or catching the virus. This information is especially important for those who are medically at risk. The advice also strongly recommends the wearing of face masks in indoor settings.
Furthermore, the period when someone is considered a recently confirmed case (and therefore exempt from testing and isolation/quarantine requirements) has been revised to four weeks, down from 12 weeks.
Recent events
Working Bee on Sunday 19 June
The focus of this working bee was on continued work on the chook shed and greenhouse and installation of the remaining benches which were left over from the last working bee. A big thanks to everyone who helped out.
Performing Arts events – Year 9/10 Recital, Dance Night, Instrumental Music Concert
It has been wonderful to return to this excellent series of evenings of music and dance. The pride of so many parents has been apparent as they’ve had the opportunity to hear and see their children perform for the first time, in many cases, for three years. A huge thanks for our very talented Performing Arts and Instrumental Music teachers for all their hard work with our students in preparing for and these events.
Leadership Camp
Our Student Leadership Leader, Jaan Butler led around 45 Student Voice Leaders late last term to a camp at Wandin. The staff involved reported that the students were fantastic and valued the opportunity to get to know each other more and work on their leadership skills.
Market Day
VCE Business Management students put on a highly successful Market Day as part of their studies. Due to inclement weather, this was held under the Café awning. There was a fantastic turnout and the food (from my tastings at least) was excellent.
Elephant Ed presentations & Phil Cleary presentation
After working with some older students earlier this year, our Year 8 students participated in Elephant Ed consent workshops late last term. Once again the survey feedback following the sessions was very positive, demonstrating the importance of these experiences.
Following on from these sessions, Phil Cleary spoke to the Year 8 students about the death of his sister, Vicki, and the important of respect towards and safety for women. This very powerful speech was positively received by the students.
The event came about through our relationship with the Coburg Lions Football Club (of whom some of our students are members) and was leading up to Vicki Cleary Day on Sunday 19th June at Coburg City Oval, which I attended on behalf of the school.
MPs and candidates visit regarding facilities funding
Late in the term we had an additional two groups of politicians visit the school.
Craig Ondarchie, Liberal member of the Legislative Council for the Northern Metropolitan Region visited alongside Tom Wright, Liberal candidate for the state seat of Pascoe Vale. We also had Anthony Cianflone, ALP candidate for Pascoe Vale visit. Thanks to Craig, Tom and Anthony for their interest in improved facilities for CHS.
Masterplan Update
The Coburg High School Masterplan process continues. The School Council signed off on the Asset Management Plan 1 during the final weeks of Term 2 and this now sits with the Victorian School Building Authority and the North-Western Victorian Region. The next stage is the appointment of an architect for the masterplan, with potential bidders for this work visiting the school imminently. I'll keep the school community updated as this process continues and let interested community members know how you can get involved.
Brent Houghton