Student and Parent Forums

Student Forum

This week our School Captains facilitated a student forum regarding the classroom environment, playground and bullying. 18 randomly selected students from Grades 2-6 were invited to attend the lunchtime session to give feedback on these three areas. Our school captains developed a series of questions that covered a range of sub-topics under each of these areas.


This was a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their voice. The responses that these students gave will be used in decision making processes and our School Captains will also be working with other school leaders and staff to action.


Well done to all students involved! We value each and every student’s voice and the time that was taken by our students to be part of this process.


Parent Forum

This week the school facilitated two parent forums regarding the school’s Bullying Prevention and Homework policies. We had around 13 parents attend to provide feedback about these important documents and their responses will be considered when preparing the final drafts of these policies.


It was great to have so many parents involved, we will be running a few more over the course of the year. We encourage you to keep an eye out for details and sign up.