Administration News
Compass Handy Hints
When using Compass on your phone..
* Always go to the grid at the bottom right corner of the screen that says 'more' and then 'open in browser'. This then gives you options to email the class teacher or add attendance notes.
To enter a previous unexplained absence on compass, via the App on your phone you will need to go to...
* the grid at the bottom right of your screen that says 'more'
* click on 'open in browser' tab
* go to 'Add Attendance Note'
* go to the 'Unexplained' tab
* tap on the small box next to the absence dates that you want to amend
* tap on the 'Explain with Attendance Note' tab
* select the reason for absence and save.
Please call our office or drop in if you have any questions or concerns.
If your child will be attending school late or will be collected early, it is preferred that you do not enter this onto Compass. Instead we will enter them onto Compass when you sign them in or out.
Tissues Needed in Classrooms
Dear Parents, as you can imagine, this winter is going to involve lots of sniffles and it would be greatly appreciated if each family could provide a box of tissues to their child's classroom for term 3.
These will keep us all going during the winter and spring months.
Thank you for your support
RAT (Rapid Antigen Testing) Kits
If your family need more RAT Kits please contact our office and we will arrange for some to be sent home. Tests will not be sent home to all students during term 3 and will be supplied to close contacts, symptomatic cases or as requested.
Student Attendance
Dear Parents, if you child/children will be arriving at school late there is no need to enter this onto Compass, instead we will enter them on to the system when they arrive via the school office.
If you are going to collect your child/children early from school please email their class teacher via Compass, asking them to send your child to the office with their bag at a specific time for you to sign them out.
Unfortunately we are unable to call students over the intercom, unless it is recess, lunchtime or from 3pm.
Start: 8:45am
Finish 3:15pm
Recess 10:45-11:20am
Lunch 1:15-2:15pm
Thank you to all of the families who have been informing the class teacher's, via Compass, of your children leaving school early, and having them ready at the office for collection. This has relieved the work load in the admin area and is very much appreciated.