DPW Information

School Buildings

A reminder that the school buildings are off limits before and after school to students and their families, including students who attend before and after school care. If students need to return to their classroom or if you need to speak to a staff member, please go to the office first, walking around the outside of the school. Only staff should be in the school buildings during before and after school hours unless a meeting has been arranged. Please ensure you sign in at the office first. The school office closes at 4:30pm, so anything after that time will need to be dealt with the following school day. You can always call and leave a message, email the school or contact the teacher via Seesaw. Students should not be entering a staff members office at anytime. 


School Winter Uniform

Recently,  we reminded families about the importance of wearing the right uniform for the season. With the current cold weather, we are still seeing summer dresses being worn and students not wearing their school jackets/jumpers. Students can bring coats and beanies to keep them warm outside but inside, only school uniform items are to be worn. Only school windcheaters and jackets should be worn.  No jumpers/jackets with hoodies. Please do not allow students to wear other coloured jumpers (long sleeve items), pants or t-shirts under their school uniform. 

Below are some examples of our Winter Uniform which are available at Academy Uniforms. Thank you to our wonderful models!

Winter Pinafore with school jacket
Winter Pinafore with long sleeve polo and navy blue tights
Winter Pinafore with long sleeve polo and navy blue tights
Winter Pinafore with school jacket
Winter Pinafore with long sleeve polo and navy blue tights
Winter Pinafore with long sleeve polo and navy blue tights
Track pants, school polo and jacket
Track pants, school long sleeve polo
Track pants, Year 6 polo and jacket
Track pants, school polo and jacket
Track pants, school long sleeve polo
Track pants, Year 6 polo and jacket


Arriving on time

Being on time to school means that children can be part of the morning routine. This includes teacher and peer welcomes and greetings. Morning greetings help students feel connected to the school and add a sense of belonging.  Being late means missing important information about the day and learning time during the 2-hour Literacy/Numeracy block.

Monday week 1 was a public holiday.

Thursday week 6 was a curriculum day.

Monday week 8 was a public holiday.


Leaving Early 

At DPWPS we also have a large proportion of children who leaving school throughout the day for appointments and ask that where possible if parents and guardians could please book appointments for 3:00 pm onwards where possible. Otherwise, please ensure that children return to school once the appointment is finished.  Reminder that on Friday afternoons we have our whole school assembly, so if you need to collect your child/ren early please do so before 2:45pm as it is hard to collect student during assembly. 


Unexplained Absences 

Clink the links below for important information regarding unexplained absences.

It is important to contact the school office if your child/ren are not attending school. Parent/Guardians will receive a SMS message to their mobile phone at 9:30am if their child has an unexplained absence on that day. Parent/Guardians are able to add an absence note themselves using the Compass app. 

If you have any issues logging onto the Compass app or would like to learn how to add a absence note, please contact the school office.



Foundation Enrolments 2023

Enrolments for Foundation 2023 students are now open. Please make an appointment with the Principal as soon as possible to complete the enrolment process.

For more information, log onto our school website or contact the office.


Academy Uniforms

Below is the link to our new uniform supplier Academy Uniforms, along with a uniform price list. Our school uniform can now be purchased from Academy Uniform in Derrimut.



The canteen is open for lunch orders on Wednesday-Friday. The canteen is also open for counter sales at recess time ONLY. 

Orders can be made through the QKR app or in a brown paper bag with the students full name, grade and order with correct money enclosed. 

(Please note: The QKR app closes at 8:30am. No orders can be placed after this time.)

The full item list is available below. (Canteen price list updated 14.06.2022)




It would be appreciated if each child could bring a box of tissues for their classroom each term. We thank you for your kind donation.


Wonder Whites Recycling Rewards

Click on the link below for more information. Please keep collecting your bread bags! 


Masks & RAT tests

RAT testing will continue in Term 2. From week 6, you only need to test your child if they have symptoms or a close contact. Please contact the office if your child/ren become a close contact or if they test positive to Covid.

Mask wearing is recommended but not compulsory for staff and students. 


School Hats

All students will be required to wear a school hat when outdoors between the 1st of September until the 29th of April (1st week of Term 2 2022). During May-August we still encourage the students to wear their hats when outdoors but it is not compulsory.

School hats are available from Academy Uniforms. Please ensure your child's name is clearly written on their.


DPW Communication & Learning Apps

Please click on the link below to access our Communication & Learning apps which are available for families to download and use. Staff at DPW will use these apps to communicate with our families. 

The Principal, Assistant Principals and Administration staff use the Compass app as their way of communicating with families, sending out important information daily/weekly . Parents/Guardians can access their child/rens school reports on Compass.

If you are having any issues with your Compass app or log in details, please contact the school office on 9363 3519.



Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs everyday except Wednesdays. Students need to wait at the front gate at 8:30am and a staff member will come and collect them.