Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Xavier 3B for demonstrating fantastic collaboration skills in our PE lesson and assisting with our High Jump lesson. Well done Xavier!

Visual Arts - Ayla 5B for showing respect for our learning space in the Visual Arts room and collaborating with others.

Casey 5B for showing respect for our learning space in the Visual Arts room and collaborating with others.

Performing Arts - Nathan 4A for his Pride, Resilience and Commitment to Performing Arts class and the school choir. Well done Nathan!

Chinese - Boro 5B has been recognised for showing collaboration by offering help to his teacher and peers during Chinese lessons. Well done Boro!

LLI - Year 5 - Eshaan from 5A for his enthusiastic approach to his learning during LLI lessons. Well done!

LLI - Year 2- Noah 2A for collaborating with groups members on Word Work activities and sharing his understanding about books read.

LLI - Year 1- Icy 1B has been recognised for the level of focus that she displayed during reading sessions this week. Well done, Icy! You should feel very proud of your learning in L.L.I.

6A - Andrew for always displaying all of the school values. Well done!

6B - Dat for writing a great historical recount and being creative in order to present his writing piece. Well done Dat!

6C - Ashmeen for her improved confidence to share her learning during guided reading and the reading workshop.  Well done Ashmeen!

5A - Lauren for consistently modelling the school values and for seeking extra responsibilities within the classroom. Keep it up!

5B - Chris for being a brilliant mathematician and showing integrity and respect to his peers and teacher during his learning in multiplication. 

Well done on a fantastic week in 5B!

4A - Tyson is a reliable student who consistently upholds the school values. He is a quiet achiever, works diligently and demonstrates collaboration when working with his peers. Tyson enjoys being challenged with his learning and has displayed confidence when explaining his thinking to his peers. Great job Tyson, keep it up!   

    - Ekam for demonstrating increased self-confidence. I have been impressed watching you develop over the year when presenting or sharing your knowledge with your peers. I am proud of your ‘want’ to participate in group discussions by showing assertiveness, selecting words carefully and using a clear voice. A great effort Ekam, you are a star!

4B - Gurugunn  for being an amazing model to your classmates of all of the school values. It’s wonderful to see your peers looking up to you and emulating your actions and words. Go Gurugunn!

4C - Arya for showing integrity, respect and cooperation at all times. She’s a friendly classmate, who shows consideration and compassion for others. Congratulations Arya! Keep up your efforts!

3A - Isaiah for demonstrating resilience & working hard to catch up on his Information Report.

3B - Caden  for having a positive attitude and bringing humour to the classroom. Keep smiling! 

3C - John  for his perseverance with his information report draft

2A - Alice for continually demonstrating our school values. You have done such an amazing job this term. You have worked incredibly hard to complete your work in the allocated time. Well done Alice 

2B - Diana for displaying excellent effort in her writing and accepting new challenges like speaking at assembly.  Keep up the great effort. 

1B - Alessio  for showing pride when completing his narrative. He came up with great ideas and could explain his thinking. Well done Alessio!

1C - Logan for writing an amazing narrative using the correct letter formation and descriptive language. Well done Logan!

FA - Tatum for putting in so much effort in all learning tasks and sounding out new words all on his own! Well done!

FB - Daniel for following classroom routines and writing about gorillas. Well done Daniel!

Ava for demonstrating our school value of pride when writing using descriptive words. Great effort Ava! 

FC - Sara for not missing a day of learning for the past two weeks. Keep it up! 


Highlighted students: 

Lower Primary: Logan - For writing an amazing narrative using the correct letter formation and descriptive language. Well done Logan!


Upper Primary: Gurugunn  for being an amazing model to your classmates of all of the school values. It’s wonderful to see your peers looking up to you and emulating your actions and words. Go Gurugunn!