School Captains 

School Captain News


It is your school captains, Zack and Kevin. We are here to inform you about something that is happening this week- THE END OF TERM 2. 

This week we will not have an assembly as we finish at 2:30pm.

Interschool Sports: The Tennis and Basketball teams have made it to division which will be held next term, we wish them all the best.

Holidays are about to begin and we return for Term 3 on Tuesday the 12th of July, Monday the 11th of July is a Curriculum Day so we have no school. 

On the holidays, I am (Kevin) going to play soccer with my friends and I am (Zack) going to spend time with my family and play lots of video games. 

Make sure you have a great holiday, rest up and we will see you in Term 3.