Principal's Report

Senka King


National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country. 

Our school library is full of books written by Aboriginal authors which teachers read regularly to their classes. Students can also borrow these books to enjoy at home.


Term Holidays

The cleaner and the gardeners will be at the school at various time to do some work but if you have any concerns about what you see, please do not hesitate to call 000.



The holidays are a good opportunity to check if your children need new items of uniform. All students are expected to wear the school uniform only. Please do not include coloured leggings or tops, wear blue tights or long sleeve polos which are part of the uniform. 

We still have a lot of uniform items in lost property so please ensure you check lost property. Also include your child’s name on every item so it can be returned. 

There are some photo examples of students wearing the correct uniform in the DPW Information section. 


Phone Policy

This week I sent all 5-6 students and families a copy of the phone policy. It clearly outlines the practices and rules around phones in schools. 

  • To keep the phones safe, phones need to be handed in at the office. This also ensures that phones are not used during school time. 
  • Parents need to sign a permission note, not just allowing their child to bring a phone to school, but to agree to all the rules of not using the phone at school and handing it in at the office.

Term 3 

Reminder that the first day of Term 3 is a Curriculum Day and teachers will be working together with consultants to explore best practices for Reading and Writing. It is a great opportunity for us to acknowledge the learning that is happening at our school and also to plan for our next steps in helping all students to make growth in their learning.


Monday 11th July – Curriculum Day (no students at school)

Tuesday 12th July –  Term 3- students resume school


Parent Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all the parents who attended the conferences this week. Parents told me that they enjoyed being in the school environment, seeing the displays, the classrooms and connecting with teachers face to face. 

Unfortunately, a couple of teachers were sick on Tuesday so we will be conducting interviews for those classes next term. We will contact those families after the holidays. 


Thank you

A huge thank you to all staff for their hard work this term. They have dealt with many challenges and always remained focused on the students. I am very proud to lead such dedicated and positive staff.


Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable break filled with some down time and opportunity to spend quality time with family.


Kindest Regards,


Senka King
