Principal's Report


Welcome back to Term 3! It has been wonderful seeing all of the students feeling refreshed after a very well-deserved break and settling back into their learning so smoothly. 


So far we have had an action-packed couple of weeks, with NAIDOC week in Week 1 and our Preps Teddy Bear Picnic last week. We have many more exciting events coming up, including our Year 3/4 camp, Book Week and 100 days of Prep! 


Our Administration Team will keep you updated on all upcoming events through Compass and our Facebook page.




We are so excited to invite all parents and friends of Orchard Park Primary School to join our inaugural Parent and Friends Group. 

We are looking for people who can support the organisation of community and school events, aimed at creating connection for all and raising funds for our school. 

We are seeking committee members and volunteers who can support events where possible. 

Our next meeting is this afternoon at 4:30 pm in the Admin Building. 

All welcome and we would love to see you there!!





Masks Reminder

Recently the Department of Education put out some health advice regarding wearing masks in schools. This measure is in response to the increase in COVID cases and other illnesses spreading through our community. 


The department has now placed an expectation upon staff and students aged eight and above to wear a mask whilst indoors. Masks will not be needed outside or during activities such as music and sport. For those that do not have any masks in supply, they will be provided with one if needed.


We would like to also emphasise that for any students who wish not to wear a mask, exemption letters are not required. No sanctions or consequences will be imposed if students choose not to wear a mask.


Positive Covid Cases

Just a reminder that the following measures are still in place for positive COVID cases within your family home;

  • If your child tests positive, please contact the school and they MUST isolate for 7 days.
  • If a family member within the home tests positive, please contact the school. Your child can still attend school. However, they must complete daily RAT tests for 7 days and are mandated to wear a face mask during this period. RAT tests will continue to be supplied to families. 



Our Year 3/4 students are heading off to Forest Lodge Adventure Camp between the 10th and 12th of August. We are very fortunate that our camp has been heavily subsidised through the Positive Start Program, making it an extremely cheap 3-day experience for our students. 

It has been wonderful to see so many families already providing consent and payment through Compass and returning the permission forms and medical information to the office. 

Please note - The permission and medical information forms are due back by tomorrow, Friday 29th July.

If you need any further information or have any questions about the camp, please get in touch with Ashlyn or Julie in the office.