Secondary News


The Room 25 Advance students were lucky enough to squeeze in one last excursion before lockdown sprung. We headed into Dreamcity, located in South wharf, Melbourne.

A place where students take on the careers of the future and explore the power of science in everyday lives. We had an awesome day investigating careers in media and also childcare.

Secondary Sub School News

Everyone in Secondary is preparing for the staggered return of our students over the coming weeks. I hope you all feel confident with the timetable that has been shared by Corinne. If you would like any more clarification please feel free to get in touch. 


You will notice some photos of students from onsite learning, and remote learning, over the past 2 weeks. We have been really proud to see the living skills program being implemented in some households. While this is a challenging time, it is great to see the effort you have been putting in during this time. 


The living skills program is going to be embedded across the Secondary Sub School next year. Our therapy team have developed a program for 2022, and it is looking great!

Student Immunisations

Eligible Students (Year 7 Equivalent) received their 1st Dose Vaccination for HPV and Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Combined Vaccine) earlier this year.

The 2nd Dose Vaccination for HPV will be administered onsite on Wednesday 10th November 2021.