Middle Years News


Remote & Flexible Learning in Room 16


After the holidays, students in Room 16 joined our Webex sessions. Happily, they shared how they feel using an emoji. Each session has a literacy or numeracy focus. This week in Numeracy we focused on money. Students participated in online activities about money such as “Guessing the coin” or “Pay the price”. Further, they demonstrated their understanding through SeeSaw activities about money and worked on other ICT platforms such as Mathletics. 

In Literacy, we started to read a book “Zak’s King Arthur Adventure” on Reading Eggs. Students were able to make connections to their life and answered comprehension questions. 

Middle Years Sub School News

As we finally head towards students returning onsite we are busy getting the classrooms ready for everyone. We have missed seeing our students at school but we are grateful everyone is staying safe. A social story is available from teachers to help the students with returning to school. If you haven’t received a copy, email your teacher for one. 


Onsite students have been busy completing their work using seesaw or classroom based activities. This term in Science, students are learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases by completing some fun engaging experiments. Students have been out and about in the playgrounds, the shade sails have been put up again ready for summer to ensure students are sun smart this term. 


Students at home have been busy completing their seesaw activities. It’s great to see everyone’s work and happy smiling faces. Some students have been taking part in the classroom WebEx sessions which have focused on fun and learning and ensuring students feel connected.