Level 1

Level 1 News

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL LEVEL 1s! We were delighted to welcome our Level 1 students back to school at the end of last week. There was much excitement and SO MUCH to talk about! We enjoyed catching up, writing recounts of our time in remote learning, practising multiplication with classmates, enjoying toy-themed activities for Inquiry, and familiarising ourselves with our classroom routines.

Class 1A
Class 1A

The week and a half prior to our return to school was also jam-packed. Students thoroughly enjoyed our virtual excursion to Movie World on the Gold Coast. After consulting the map and checking the weather in our morning WebEx, we ‘travelled’ to Tullamarine airport and hopped on a flight with Rangeview Airlines to sunny Queensland. Here, we took part in activities with Tweety, Sylvester, a multitude of superheroes and, of course, some baddies too. The rollercoaster was a favourite for some, while others preferred working out what to have for lunch from the Movie World restaurant menu. We took some time to send a postcard home before heading to the Movie World Parade. 

We continued with our History theme for Inquiry by investigating inventions and communication in the past and present. It was so interesting comparing everyday items from the past and seeing how they have changed over time. Students even made their own telephone, using cups and string. We also looked at toys and how these have changed over time, and combined this with learning about past tense in Writing to produce some lovely informative pieces.

String telephone
String telephone

Students also attended a Wild Explorers online incursion run by Zoos Victoria, exploring the habitat and features of a number of Australian animals, and composed a thank you letter to the Zoo Teacher. 

Students continued to engage in whole-class and small-group WebEx sessions, including making honey joys together.

Mmmm yummy honey joys
Editor: Why do I always miss out on sharing some of the yummy food our students are making?
Mmmm yummy honey joys
Editor: Why do I always miss out on sharing some of the yummy food our students are making?

It will be a bit different combining onsite learning in the classroom with Remote & Flexible Learning over the next fortnight, but we know it will be fine, and we will work through it together. 

The Level 1 team