Mrs. Julia Lohmeyer

Dealing with study stress

So, exams are coming up - what do you do? Here are some tips: 

  • Organise and keep to a study plan that gives equal time to each subject and has a structure.
  • Take adequate breaks. It's good to get a mix of physical activity (even as little as a walk up the shop) and relaxing activities that you like to do like listening to music or reading magazines. Sometimes if they are going through the same thing it might be a good idea to speak with someone who has already survived this tough time.
  • Eat proper meals - try to cut down on having too many snack foods and don't overdo the caffeine.
  • Get adequate sleep and rest each night.
  • Keep positive and be realistic.
  • Focus on looking forward and on what you have to do next - once you have finished an exam don't dwell on it - focus on the next exam.
  • Still keep in touch with mates - they can be your greatest support. Try to hang out with people that make you feel OK and keep you feeling positive - it could be a good idea to take time out from friends who might add to your anxiety.