Year 3/4 News

The students explored their theatrical sides last week, by reading and performing different scripts. As teachers, we were so proud of all our students for putting on such a spectacular show. We saw the students really engage with their parts and speak with expression, tone and intonation. They rehearsed as a group throughout the week and were ready to perform on Friday! Some students dressed up and brought in props from home, which really added some extra flair to their performances.
See below for some pictures and videos of their performances.
Over the last fortnight, students in Year 3/4 have been following the writing process to complete a narrative. They started by unpacking a seed from the short film, Wing It, from Literacy Shed. They then used a planning template to record their narrative ideas and plan their story. Following the drafting stage, they proofread and edited their story using a checklist.
Here are some examples of their narratives
Students revised their knowledge of fractions over the last week. They focused on building up enjoyment in maths through hands-on activities and games. We soaked up the sun outside and in pairs did some chalk drawings of common fractions and placed them on a number line.
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 12th November 2:30pm
Friday 19th November - Year 4 First Reconciliation
Thursday 18th & 25th November - Working Masses for Yr. 4 First Eucharist Candidates
Week 7 & 8 Timetables
Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions
Staff Contacts
Belinda Hirschauer -
Kaitlyn McMillan -
Lauren Bell -
Annie McNaughton -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm.