Library News

Overdue Library Books
Can all overdue library books please be returned to the school library as soon as possible.
2021 Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
A total of 62 students completed the Challenge this year. A wonderful achievement!
The Certificates for all the participants in the Challenge are arriving soon and will be given out during our School Assembly.
2021 Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards
The winners in the five categories in Speech Pathology Australia 2021 Book of the Year Awards are:
- Birth to 3 years: Look, Baby! | Written by Janeen Brian and Illustrated by Renée Treml
- Three to 5 years: Boo Loves Books | Written by Kaye Baillie and Illustrated by Tracie Grimwood
- Five to 8 years: The Thing That Goes Ping! | Written by Mark Carthew and Illustrated by Shane McG
- Eight to 10 years: Bindi | Written by Kirli Saunders and Illustrated by Dub Leffler
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Authored Children’s Book Award: Is this your egg? | Written by Ella Kris and Illustrated by Emma Cracknell.
Contact Details:
Maria De Cata
Resource Officer/ Education Support