Principal News



Dear Members of the St Raphael's school community,


It has been wonderful to have the children back learning on-site. We are so pleased to see them all interacting with their peers and teachers again.


This latest lockdown has significantly impacted people and we have all noticed some slight changes to the confidence of some of the children since their return.


We continue to encourage the children to reconnect with their parents and there are many great activities and initiatives that are being planned for the remainder of the year.


I would like to thank all of the parents for your support, assistance and understanding since the children have returned to school. The drop-off and pick zones have worked effectively to date and we are pleased with the reduction in large groups of people gathering at the school entry and exit points.


The teachers are doing a wonderful job at ventilating the learning spaces and using outdoor learning environments.


Obviously, with the unpredictable Spring weather, we ask all parents to exercise discretion with the children's uniforms and ensure that they have layers that they can wear accordingly.


We have noticed in the last few days a high number of uniform items being left outside and in the lost property. Please ensure that your children's clothing is clearly labelled and remind them to take care of their personal belongings. The teachers are reminding them every day and it will take a few reminders for them all to get back into the normal school routines.


We are all aware that this pandemic is not over and we must all maintain vigilance and adhere to the current public health orders.

We are pleased that we will be able to offer a number of programs between now and the end of the year as we return to a sense of normality. The annual aquatic education program will commence in December and we are looking forward to holding the annual School Sports Day on Thursday 9th December.

Parent-Teacher Interviews December 2021

After consultation with the School Advisory Board, we have decided to conduct Parent-teacher interviews for 2021 students via a Zoom meeting for Foundation to Year 4 between Monday 6th through to Friday 10th December 2021.          

Year 5 and 6 Interviews will be held via a Zoom meeting from Wednesday 1st Dec through until Friday 10th December 5.20pm

Meetings will be of 10 minutes duration.

Bookings will open at  4pm on Friday 12th November

How to book :


Remembrance Day

Tomorrow, silence will fall across each state and territory for one minute as Australia commemorates those who have died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

Remembrance Day has evolved since it was first marked by allied countries after World War I, in which more than 60,000 Australians lost their lives.

November 11 is now observed around the world as a day to remember the sacrifice that countless of people have made in service to their country.


2023 School Fees and Levies

All Victorian Catholic primary schools receive funding via two sources:


1. State and Federal Government grants (approx. 80% of total funding)

2. Fees and levy parent contributions (approx. 20% of total funding) 


The fees and levies charged to parents assist the school by covering the costs of excursions, programs, utilities, resources and equipment to support the children’s learning.


A $200 discount will apply for fees and levies paid in full by 30th April 2022. There are also a number of payment options available including periodic (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) direct debit instalments. Please contact Lynette Gamble in the school office to discuss.


All levies have been carefully considered and we would like to reaffirm our commitment to making sure that fees and levies are kept at affordable for all members of our school community.


The following is our fee and levies for 2021. Please note that there is a $200 discount available off all fees and levies if paid in full by 30th April 2022.


Family Fee per familyStudent Levy per childTotal

Total payable 

if paid before 30 / 04 / 2022

$1 940$880 Foundation$2 820$2 620
$1 940$880 Year 1/2$2 820$2 620
$1 940$980 Year 3/4 $2 920$2 720
$1 940$1 300 Year 5$3 240$3 040
$1 940$1 400 Year 6$3 340$3 140
$200 Discount applies per family if paid in full before 30/04/2022 


Family Fee and Student Levy

The Family Fee is paid per family regardless of the number of children who attend the school. The Student Levy is paid per child.

The fees and levies cover the following costs: Curriculum costs, Literacy resources, Numeracy resources, Performing Arts resources and equipment, Visual Art resources, Excursions/ Incursions, Physical Education equipment, School Camps (Year 3/4 & 5/6), Religious Education Programs, Sacramental Programs (Year 3/4 & 6), Building and Grounds Maintenance, Teacher Resources, First Aid supplies, Investigation resources (Foundation – Year 2), ICT maintenance, resources and upgrades, Interschool Sport (Year 5/6), PDPSSA Sports Carnivals - Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Hooptime — trials, training and participation (Year 3 – 6), St Raphael's Sports Day, Footy Day, Kitchen Garden Program, Aquatic Education and Graduation (Year 6).