Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh program has continued to flourish over the past month.


Eight students from Year 11 undertook the Virtual Silver Adventurous Journey. We were lucky enough to be the trial school for this new revised program for the NSW Duke of Edinburgh office. This entailed the students meeting on Zoom, working through a 70 page booklet, completing fitness tasks, cook outdoor meals and watching countless hours of treks.


A massive congratulations to Jessica L, David C, Arabella C, Yamen H, Zac B, Cooper S, Alex L, Maxim B and Tristan T for all their work in the school holidays. They showed such dedication and determination to complete this task. I am thrilled to say that as a result three of the group have completed their Silver award. Well done to Jessica L, David C and Arabella C on completing your Silver award. 


Congratulations to Arabella C as she has now started her Gold Award.

The following students have achieved their Bronze Award. 

Jasmine L

Alexander B

Ella B

Lachlan W

Nate C

Zac N

Brady J

Idan A

Sophia K

Dylan W

Tristan M

I have included some links for parents and students to ensure that everyone has an understanding of the awards and the requirement.


Jen Downes

Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator