Family Connect

Paul De Boom

Chair | SMCC Family Connect


Hello everyone,


As the end of year fast approaches, I would like to share my report from the Family Connect AGM held on Tuesday night.






I would like to welcome everyone to the 2021 AGM. Another challenging year for all; that being said I am proud of the commitment and support that Family Connect has been able to provide to the College community this year.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the Committee for the valued work that they have done this year. The success that Family Connect has enjoyed would not be possible without your support and commitment.


To the parents and caregivers thank you for your voice, ideas, support and ongoing attendance in what has been another busy year.


To the School Board led by Jason thank you for your updates and advice, the connection between College, Board and Family Connect is pivotal to the collective success and what can be achieved in the years ahead.


Councillor Cathy Zeiger thank you for your continued support of not only this College, students and families but the wider community. Your strong focus on safety outside the College grounds and your voice at our monthly meetings is greatly appreciated.


To our Acting College Principal Ian Margetts thank you for your leadership and commitment to Family Connect in 2021. I would also ask Ian to pass on the Committee’s appreciation to the outstanding educators, support staff and staff of the College for their efforts throughout the year.


I would now like to take a moment to highlight some of the outcomes of this year:

  • Greater involvement with parents and caregivers in face to face activities even with COVID restrictions.
  • Increased engagement with the College Board.
  • Continued support of minor projects including those associated with the HOB redevelopment.
  • Funding support to sport, cultural and musical activities.
  • Active CSPQ Diocese of Cairns participation.

As I have previously stated, it is often easy for us as a College community to lose sight of the fact that our time here is so short, and that the contributions we make today will affect students of tomorrow in ways we could never appreciate.


I would like to close my report in acknowledging the incredible year that was and commend the work done by all to serve the College community, it has been my privilege to have been part of St Mary’s Catholic College Family Connect and wish the College, School Board, staff, students and their families a blessed and successful 2022.


St Mary's Family Connect seeks expressions of interest from our community's parents, carers, and adult friends. If you would like to go for leisurely bike rides on some weekends around the unique nature spaces we have in Cairns (using bike paths), all abilities are welcome. There will be an opportunity for those interested to challenge themselves on their bikes or E-bikes on longer distance charity bike rides in 2022. You and your teenage child(ren) may like to do it together, but parents/carers need to come too!


The set-up on any ride would be like this: Optional to join the ride if and when you can, and you bring your own bike and helmet and are responsible for your own safety. If you want to bring your teenager along, you are responsible for them and their safety. To express your interest, access the Google Form with your name and email address to send you more information.


Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or suggestions to improve our engagement in 2022.


Our next Family Connect meeting will be Tuesday 15th February 2022 in the College Library at 5.15pm and all are welcome. 


On behalf of Family Connect I wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable Christmas and a happy New Year!

