Assistant Principal 

Community Engagement

Jessica Ram

Acting Assistant Principal  | Community Engagement









On Tuesday 9th November our community celebrated our student achievements at our annual Presentation Evening. Parents/Carers & Students have been emailed a link to the professional photos taken of our awardees on the night. Below is a list of all award recipients along with the title of their award. 



Student Subject Award Recipients





















Student Major Award Recipients






















Year level specific events will be communicated next year via Parent Slips and Email.

First day for Year 7, 11 & 12

First day for Year 8, 9 & 10

Formal school photos

Welcoming Mass

Academic Assembly

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Swimming Carnival 

Cross Country

Parent–Student-Teacher Night T2

NAPLAN (online)

Open Night

Parent–Student-Teacher Night T3

Athletics Carnival

Assembly of Excellence

St Mary’s Day 


Presentation Evening 

25th January

27th  January

7th February

7th February

9th February

2nd March

8th March

20th April

21st April

10th-13th May

12th May

21st July

26th July

2nd August

15th August

15th - 20th  August

8th November


Term 1 Monday 24th January – Friday 1st April (10 Weeks)

Year 7, 11 & 12 students commence Tuesday 25th January

Term 2 Tuesday 19th April – Friday 24th June (10 Weeks)

Term 3 Monday 11th July – Friday 16th September (10 Weeks)

Term 4 Tuesday 4th October – Friday 25th November (8 Weeks)



Monday 24th January (Week 1 Term 1)

Friday 20th May (Week 5 Term 2)

Friday 2nd September (Week 8 Term 3)



I have enjoyed my time as Assistant Principal Community Engagement and Marketing and am thankful to the St Mary’s Community for the warm welcome to the position and support.