Principal's Message

Ian Margetts

Acting Principal








Dear St Mary’s Catholic College community,


This week we celebrated and gave thanks for the Graduating class of 2021 and marked the end of an era for this group of young men and women.  In my address I reflected on how proud the College community was of them and that it is not just about this year but the amazing achievement of completing 13 years of schooling


During this time, I also acknowledged the many people in each individual graduate’s ‘corner’, the people that enabled and support the Year 12 graduates to reach this milestone.  These included:

  • the friends they have made
  • the teachers and diverse learning officers that have supported them
  • the tuckshop and hospitality staff that have nourished them
  • the grounds, maintenance and cleaning staff that have created a great environment 
  • the administration staff that have ensured many things go smoothly 
  • and of course, their families

The graduates were reminded that they are always welcome at the College and that the College looks forward to hearing about their personal and professional achievements.  The College community wishes our 2021 graduates God’ blessing on their path ahead.


May God’s blessing follow you as you find new journeys to travel.

May you walk safely along the pathways of your dreams.

May his gentle hand guide the decisions you will make and the passions that you follow.

May your hearts and lives always reflect his love and truth,

And may faith, hope and love be a light within you that you carry into each new day.


Last week saw a very successful celebration of 2021 student achievement in the Annual Presentation Evening. It was a great celebration of the results of student who have taken the wonderful opportunities St Mary’s provides and, in Mary’s the Patron Saint of the College’s way, said ‘yes’.  Whether it be in academia, the arts or sport, St Mary’s students at the College have taken their opportunities and excelled. Well done to all students who received recognition on the night as well as all students who know in that they have tried their best throughout the year.


Throughout this semester the College has undergone a review of the College Leadership Team structure and I am pleased to confirm the following Leadership Team for 2022:

PrincipalMr Wayne Wood
Deputy PrincipalMr James Roberts
Assistant Principal MissionMr Tim Chapman
Assistant Principal Teaching & LearningMs Janelle Santolin
Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing (Junior)Mrs Alison Krause
Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing (Senior)Mr Doug Belton
College Business ManagerMr Hugh Bradridge

The College welcomes Tim and Janelle to the Team.  Acknowledgement must go to outgoing College Leadership Team members, Mrs Clancie Neilson (Deputy Principal) and Mrs Theresa Redgwell (Assistant Principal Mission)


Clancie has been a dedicated and hardworking member of the College since she commenced as Deputy Principal in July 2008.  Clancie has made an enormous contribution to both strategic and teaching and learning leadership at the College.  It is a challenging role that Clancie has performed so well in and there are many teachers and students who have benefitted from her support and mentorship over the years.


Theresa has been on staff since 2016 and has demonstrated strong faith, community, and organisational leadership.  Whilst the College is saddened by Theresa’s departure from the St Mary’s community, we sincerely wish her all the best in this exciting next step in her as Deputy Principal – Junior Years at St Andrew’s Catholic College.


Finally, I would like to thank the College community for its support during Semester 2.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at St Mary’s and wish the College community all the best in 2022 and beyond.


Loving God,

each day as we step further into our future, give us the courage, 

knowledge and patience that we need.

Remind us that you always journey with us 

and that you will never lead us into anything that you won't lead us through.

Thank you for the gift of our lives.

May the way we live be my gift back to you - with your love and guidance

In Jesus' name, Amen


God bless