School Report 

Virtual Tour

What it means for our School

A very warm welcome back to Term 4, Remote and Flexible Learning. I hope all the students were excited to see their friends and teachers this morning after a two week break from the screens. The sun is out and we are optimistic about a term where all students can return safely to learning in classrooms with their friends and teachers.

In today’s Newsletter I would like to provide you with information that we have currently, knowing that any  information may change as the Term progresses.

The first two weeks of term 4 is remote Learning and we are very excited to welcome back our Preps. From October 18 prep students will return three days a week, Monday through to Wednesday, Year 1/2R and 1/2T students will attend on Thursday and Friday, two days a week. 

From October 26 all school students will return at least part-time: On this date, arrangements for prep students and Year 1/2R and 1/2T students will continue; Year 3C, 3/4H  & 4/5F  will attend on Tuesday and Wednesday; Year 5/6S and 6L will attend on Thursday and Friday 

The table below provides an overview of the staged return to school for all primary aged students in Metropolitan Victoria.  All dates below are subject to health advice. 


Year levelsFrom Wednesday 6 October From Monday 18 October From Tuesday 26 October From Friday 5 November




Year 1-2 




Year 3-4 





Year 5-6 







Required vaccinations for school staff

The Victorian Chief Health Officer has determined that COVID-19 vaccination will be mandatory for staff who work in schools. This includes principals, teachers, administration and education support staff, including casual relief teachers (CRTs) and pre-service teachers. All staff who work in schools will be required to have a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 18 October 2021 or be able to produce evidence of a vaccination booking within that week. All staff are required to be fully vaccinated by 29 November 2021 unless a medical exemption applies.


Schools are required to increase fresh air flow into indoor spaces whenever possible and to maximise the use of outdoor learning areas or environments.The following precautions will also be taken:

  • Keep all windows, doors and vents open as much as possible.
  • Keep these openings clear of any obstruction to air flow.
  • Aim to open windows and vents that are higher or towards the ceiling during poor or windy weather.
  • The use of mechanical ventilation (such as air conditioning units and heaters) with opened windows, doors and vents will be used to maintain a comfortable temperature and increase ventilation

 The Victorian Government is delivering air purifier units



Stay Home when Unwell and Get Tested 

The most important action school communities can take to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, is to ensure that any unwell staff and students remain at home and get tested, even with the mildest of symptoms. Everyone should consider their health before they start work or attend school and ensure that they are free from coronavirus symptoms and have not had contact in the past 14 days with a person confirmed to have coronavirus or a person suspected to have coronavirus.


As September is a month where all students and staff either at home outside or at school must use a combination of sun protection (hats, sunscreen, protective clothing) in all outdoor activities during recess, lunchtimes, sport and other outdoor activities. 


Lost Property 

Just a reminder to ensure all items are clearly named so that if lost can be reunited with students.  If you have received a pre loved item please make sure the name is updated.

We also ask please that you check your child’s uniform from time to time to ensure they haven’t brought home someone else’s clothing by mistake in the excitement of the day.

Office Opening Hours

The School Office is staffed between the hours of 8:00am-4:00pm Monday to Friday. For all enquiries please contact us on 59647783 or via email



Uniform Orders

Term four is the term to order uniform for next year. If you would like to place an order  Please contact the office on 59647783.