Principal's Page

A Message from the Principal

The sound of students laughing, playing and learning, again fills the corridors, classrooms and playgrounds. It is fantastic to have students and families back on site again. There will be a special welcome for our Year 3/4 students who will be returning tomorrow.

Parents you are welcome to walk through the new playgrounds and outdoor spaces. The gates will be open before and after school so come in for a visit outside.

Teachers and parents are the foundation for all students to productively engage in learning and feel safe and supported in their daily experiences. As our students return to school we are committed to improving their sense of self and confidence. In our daily practice, we will help the students make sense of the changing world around them, and create new opportunities for them to be active, curious and healthy in mind, body and spirit. 










The final part of the playground renovation has been completed, with the resurfacing of the new multipurpose court. It will be a great space for all ball games, Physical Education lessons and hopefully some future whole school events.


Just a reminder that next Monday, 1 November, will be a whole school closure day.

Return to School for all students - 3 November 

The Victorian Government has announced the easing of restrictions from 6pm on Friday 29 October, given the early achievement of the 80% vaccination target. This means that all year levels will return to full-time onsite learning from Wednesday 3 November.

All schools will be able to recommence a range of activities, consistent with community settings and school vaccination requirements. This means that schools will be able to:

  • hold graduations, liturgies and other assemblies consistent with community density limits
  • travel across Victoria for camps and excursions
  • resume interschool activities such as sport and debating
  • deliver the full range of curriculum programs, including music and performing arts
  • conduct transition programs for kindergarten students beginning Prep in 2022 and Year 6 students transitioning to Year 7 in 2022
  • have a range of visitors on site, including photographers and guest speakers.


As a sunsmart school we promote awareness of the harmful damage of UV rays. Sun protection is recommended between 10am and 4pm on most days in Term 4 and Term1. Please ensure that your child has their hat everyday and has sunscreen in their school bag. Students without a hat will be confined to the passive play area under the shade sails.

COVID Safety Plan for Term 4

Covid safe practices continue to be a priority for St John's, to ensure the safety of all of our students and their families. We will ensure that all visitors are fully vacinated, wear maks, use hand sanitiser, check in using both the Vic Gov app and the school check in. All students are encouraged to wear masks and in Years 3-6 masks are mandatory.

2022 Class Groupings 

I will begin the process of grouping students into their 2022 classes in the coming weeks. If any parents have a special request for their child based on social, academic or wellbeing reasons, please email me by Thursday 4 November. All classes work closely across the year levels and we encourage students to make new friends and interact across the year levels. Staff will make the final decisions based on various information and data.


School lunch orders will resume on Thursday 11 November. They can be ordered online and will be delivered at 11am every Thursday.

To order register online:

MACSSIS Feedback Surveys

All parents have received their login details for the St John's School Survey MACSSIS survey. They are now open and ready for completion by all parents. They provide valuable feedback on many aspects of the school, helping to inform our future directions and School Improvement Plans. Thanks for your support.

Sunsmart Joke of the Week

"What did one hat say to the other?"           "Stay here! I'm going on ahead."


Enjoy the rest of your week!


Verona Gridley
