News from  Frazer Rigby

Deputy Principal

Term 2 has commenced with focus and purpose. It is pleasing to see students return after the break and settle quickly into a learning routine. 


Our staff recently met with parents to discuss their son’s academic progress as well as their experience of life at St Augustine's. It is always valuable to receive the insight of parents and to hear how their sons are experiencing their time at Saints. I extend an invitation to all parents to contact their son’s Homeroom Teacher, Head of Year or me at any time to discuss your son’s progress. This is especially the case when there are situations at home that may impact your son’s life at school. 



The College addresses bullying in various ways. Last term, in conjunction with the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, Principal Mr Seivers addressed the College about our family spirit, one of the five Marist characteristics, and the need to respect differences and care for one another. This term, Heads of Year for Years 7-10 will conduct surveys across year levels and undertake any follow-up action. 


Bullying can be insidious, and the College promotes a culture where bullying is not tolerated by students and is quickly dealt with by staff. Please feel free to address any issues in this regard with your son’s Head of Year. Part of dealing with bullying is educating the boys that not all disagreements or negative behaviour is bullying. Some things need to be worked through and the resolution may require a change of action from all parties. Bullying exists when this negative behaviour is targeted and repeated. (Refer to page 16 of the student diary for procedure and definitions.) 


Cyber Safety and Responsibility 

Throughout the year, each year level will attend a talk on their rights and responsibilities in relation to social media. There is a growing abundance of social media platforms, however, the message to the boys is that their cyber presence should reflect their “real” presence.  When online be who you are in reality. I strongly encourage parents to regularly discuss this with their sons. I also recommend that parents choose a central place (not bedrooms) in the home where mobile phones and other methods of connectivity are charged overnight. 


Haircuts and Uniform

A few students returned to the College this term with inappropriate haircuts. Some were sent home and others told to have a haircut in week 1. Please ensure that your sons are following college expectations in this regard. Page 11 of the student diary clearly outlines these. 


It is pleasing to see that most boys wear their uniform in a way that demonstrates respect for the College. Some boys, however, are wearing socks that are too short or that don't stay up. Please check your son’s socks and ensure that his shoes are regularly polished. Thank you for your support in this. We do not want your son’s time and energy at school to be taken up with matters relating to grooming and haircuts.