Physical Education

We are an accredited Move Well Eat Well School

Team Work 

Over the last few weeks, the PE sessions have included the development of netball skills. Last year we learned about basketball and it is rewarding to see some of the skills that have been adapted, modified and transferred across to netball. In Grade 5/6 the students are given the option to play netball as a school sport so this is an introduction for many of the younger students and it will hopefully inspire them to continue on in the years to come.


The Grade 5/6 students have been working in teams to devise their own rules and game modifications for netball as well as supporting fair play and inclusive participation. These are such terrific life skills to have in the future. Team work is vital for progress in all areas. As team members encourage others to both contribute to the team and participate, a positive vibe has developed with the classes. There is often quite a variety of abilities in each class and the way the students are finding roles and valuing each individual in their team is impressive.



The Inter school swimming team will be announced this week. The Inter School carnival will take place on Friday 31st March. Congratulations and good luck to all our school representatives.


Susan Andrews 

P.E. Teacher