Making Jesus Real

Religious Education 

Recently, I had such a great time working with younger students from Prep to Grade 2 students and staff.  I was extremely impressed with the listening skills and enthusiasm of the classes. After looking at our favourite foods, people and places we looked at ways of bringing ‘JOY’ to those that we love. One of the most simple ways is by them answering ‘Okay’ (with a smile) when asked to do a job or chore at home.  


We wrote on the back of their hands to remind them and hopefully when they arrived home, they showed respect and will try and make it a positive habit in their lives. Again the children participated so well to the magic, fun and Spirit of Jesus moments that they saw all around them. Also, I was so impressed with the care and patience of the teachers and staff who work with the children.

God Bless

Marty Ogle

God Bless

Marty Ogle