Religious Education

Religious Education News


Over the past few weeks of term we have been receiving some visitors to our classes.

It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome Fr. Mark Freeman who has been coming into the classrooms to celebrate class liturgies with us. Jesus has been the focus of our prayer and the students have enjoyed celebrating with Fr. Mark and asking him some very important questions such as “Who made the devil? and “How old are you?”.


Last week we also had a special visit from Leanne Prichard, who came in to talk to us about Caritas. They are the organisation that runs the Project Compassion fundraising campaign. She brought in a MASSIVE Project Compassion money box (she could almost fit inside it) and told us lots of things about how the funds raised by Caritas helps those who are poor or who have no access to education. The Grade 5/6 students really enjoyed working in teams on the Kahoot quiz Leanne gave them at the end of the presentation.


We are grateful for people like Fr Mark and Leanne.