Student news & reviews

Harmony Day - Tuesday 21st March

Cultural Diversity Week is celebrated between the 11th to 21st March. The week aims to bring together Victorians of all ages, cultural backgrounds and experiences to celebrate and reflect upon the contributions of Victoria’s diverse multicultural communities.


At Highvale P.S. we will celebrate and teach this important message through the Term 1, Concept Curriculum ‘Happy, Healthy Communities Thrive’. As well, our teachers and students will participate in Harmony Day as a symbol of our respect for everyone who calls Australia home.


Harmony Day aims to foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make a valuable contribution to society. We all have something interesting and authentic to bring to the table. On Harmony Day we show gratitude and respect for everyone who calls Australia home.


Traditionally, we wear orange on Harmony Day as it signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.


On Tuesday, the 21st March, Highvale Primary School will be recognising National Harmony Day. We have organised a fun event to help celebrate the rich cultural diversity within our school. Students can dress casually - wearing an orange item of clothing or an orange accessory.


A gold coin donation will go towards the Centre for Multicultural Youth, a not-for-profit organisation that supports young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.


Team Building incursion (Prep students)

On Tuesday 7th March, our Preps attended their very first primary school incursion in the MPC. 


Students participated in four team building activities, focusing on developing fundamental social skills such as: communicating, listening, turn-taking, identifying different points of view, and encouraging peers. The activities were fun and exciting with lots of laughter. Have a look below to see the activities we rotated through.


Hook and Hoop: Students tested their communication and fine motor skills by working together to collect a variety of objects using only a hula hoop with a hook attached. 


Parachute Launch: Working in pairs, students launched objects into the air using a parachute. This activity involved trial and error, communication and perfecting students’ timing.


Tower Building: Working in pairs, students built the tallest tower with blocks provided, but only using one hand. Students discussed designs, strategies and honesty to complete the task.


Obstacle Course: In partners, students made their way around an obstacle course. Students learnt to wait their turn and provide support for another peer to be successful. Each time students completed a lap around the course, a new challenge was introduced.

Thank you to our special educator, Emily for running the session. By the end of the incursion, all Preps were able to identify how they or a peer had shown ‘team-work’. Well done to everyone who participated and we will continue our team-work skills at school.


Miss Kelaart and Ms Cheong


Immigration Journeys Incursion

By Stella and Mehr 5/6D


On Thursday the 2nd of March, the 5/6's gathered at the senior library. We encountered a myriad of exiting activities related to immigration. We learnt about famous authors, musicians and many more famous people that migrated to Australia. We had a joyful time. We did mini citizenship tests, solved puzzles of the flags of different countries and played migration bingo! We learned about how the population increased and also how many people migrated to this luxurious country. This Immigration Journeys incursion was a great learning experience for the whole year level. We thank Dan (the man who taught us a lot about migration) for coming to HPS and helping us learn.

PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Friday 3rd March

Prep K – Andrew

Prep C – Gretel

1 R – Chloe

1 W – Hannah

2 Q – Arshia

2 U – Kaiyah

3 S – Violet

3 N – Marwin

4 D – Brandon

4 H – Joe

5/6L – Sarah

5/6 S – Ethan L

5/6G – Emma

5/6D – Steve