Leadership Report

Thursday, 16 March 2023


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


It’s hard to believe that we are heading towards the end of Term One! It certainly has been a busy few weeks. Over the last few weeks, this has included a Year 5/6 Immigration incursion, a Prep team building incursion (see Student news & reviews), a footy clinic attended by Collingwood players, House Athletics, Tabloid Sports – as well as a Crazy Hair Day. This doesn’t even include NAPLAN which our Year 3 & 5 students have been completing this week! Fortunately, there was a long weekend in there so I hope you were able to spend some time with your family.


We also received the happy news from our Year 3 teacher, Steve Smith, that his wife Amruta gave birth to a happy little boy, Kiyaan earlier this week. From all reports Kiyaan is enjoying lots of cuddles with his mum and dad. 

Open Morning

You will have received a 'Save The Date' through School Stream for our Open Morning on Monday 3rd April. We would love to see all of our families attend this session where you'll get a chance to spend some time engaging in learning activities with your child. 

We hope to see you there!


Tabloid Sports

On Tuesday, our Preps – Year 2s participated in Tabloid Sports on the basketball courts, flanked by an audience of parents. There were lots of fun activities that challenged students’ skills and it looked like everyone had a great time. For many, the highlight might have been the Zooper Dooper at the end! Thanks to Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Yencken for preparing the activities and to our Year 6 student leaders who helped with each rotation.

Child Safety and Wellbeing at Highvale Primary School: Information for Families and the School Community

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing. 


Highvale Primary School has reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These are available to view in our newsletter (see Policies section) and on our school website.


We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices. 


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact Joshua Crozier: joshua.crozier@education.vic.gov.au


Policies that have been approved so far this year include:

  • School Cash Handling Policy
  • School Electronic Funds Management Policy
  • School Purchasing Card Policy
  • Petty Cash Policy

Policies currently under consultation and/or review include (these can found in the School Policy Consultation and Update section of the newsletter):

  • HPS Volunteers Policy
  • HPS Sun Protection Policy
  • HPS Statement of Values and School Philosophy
  • HPS Volunteer Induction Booklet
  • HPS Digital Learning Policy
  • Appendix 1 HPS Digital Learning Safe & Acceptable Use Expectations Prep - Year 2 2023
  • Appendix 2 HPS Digital Learning Safe & Acceptable Use Expectations Year 3 - Year 6 2023
  • Appendix 3 HPS Personal Device Enrolment Application March 2023

Highvale Primary Community Group (HPCG) Fundraising

Every year our HPCG parent volunteers work extremely hard to organise or contribute to extracurricular events such as our Fun Run, Book Fair, Carols Evening and Special Lunch Days, to name just a few.  As well, our HPCG play a very important role fundraising, to help our school purchase equipment and complete projects that would not be possible without the HPCG’s support.  Most importantly, the funds raised by the HPCG are expended each year to support every child in our school.


This year our HPCG are funds for three main purposes.  They are:  

  • To continue to support our school to purchase digital devices and equipment for class use.  *There is no government funding provided for these resources.
  • To contribute funds to the acquisition of a ‘New Y3-6 Playground’.
  • To purchase equipment to support our new STEAM ‘Science and Design Technology’ specialist program that commences in Term 3.

We will provide updates through our school newsletter ‘Highvale Happenings’ to let everyone know how the fund raising is progressing and to encourage everyone to support our HPCG events and fundraisers.  

Intervention and Family Orders Update

Please note that if your family is in a situation in which Intervention or Family Orders are in place, and they change, it is most important that you provide us with the documentation to this effect as soon as possible. We are bound by law to act in strict, confidential accord with the most recent Court papers in our possession, provided to us. Verbal assurances by parents involved, are not accepted and this can cause significant distress to all parties. Therefore, it is required that all updated Intervention Order documents be provided to Rebecca Foot, Steve Richardson or myself.

Supervision Times – Duty of Care

Just another reminder: Staff are on duty before school from 8.45am until 9am and after school 3.30 until 3.45pm. There are no staff supervising before 8.45am or after 3.45pm. Parent supervision is required outside of these times. 


Academy for Kids is available for parents and information is available through the office – please note, paperwork must be organised in advance of your first session.

Safe to School: How to Drop Off and Pick Up Children Safely

Please find attached a Vic Roads brochure that provides some useful tips to keep your child safe when being picked up and dropped off around school.

Lost Property

We have over 30 unnamed items in the Lost Property cupboard! Earlier in the week, I returned a number of named jumpers and hats to students. Unfortunately, some names are very hard to read as they are fading. I ask that all families check over your child’s belongings and make sure names are clearly visible. Unfortunately, we are not able to store items for long periods of time. If you are missing a jumper, drink bottle or scrunchie please go to the Lost Property cupboard opposite the senior library.

Triple P Parenting

In the Engagement and Wellbeing section of this newsletter, a number of family supports are listed. 



Triple P Parenting is one of the organisations who are able to provide assistance to families. There are online programs that allow parents to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to self-manage and enhance their children’s mental health and well-being. 


Triple P online programs encourage parents to be positive, consistent and predictable which in turn, helps build children’s capacity for self-regulation, being resilient and to cope with anxiety and stress now and in the future.


Happier, healthier, less stressed kids & families | Triple P | Triple P (triplep-parenting.net.au)



Joshua Crozier 

Assistant Principal
