School Policy Consultation and Updates

On this page, you will find updates about our School Policies. These are regularly reviewed. Those that require School Council approval or consultation will be presented at upcoming School Council meetings. 


Under new Child Safe Standards, schools should ensure that the school community are given an opportunity to have a say in the development and updating of Child Safety documents. 


If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Crozier through the school office on (03) 9887 8000 or by email:


The following policies are open for consultation until Tuesday 21 March:


HPS Volunteers Policy


HPS Sun Protection Policy


HPS Statement of Values and School Philosophy


HPS Volunteer Induction Booklet


The following policies are open for consultation until Tuesday 28 March:


HPS Digital Learning Policy


Appendix 1 HPS Digital Learning Safe & Acceptable Use Expectations Prep - Year 2 2023


Appendix 2 HPS Digital Learning Safe & Acceptable Use Expectations Year 3 - 6 2023


Appendix 3 HPS Personal Device Enrolment Application March 2023