From the Principal
The end of the term is rapidly approaching and Easter will soon be upon us.
This Sunday marks the 5th Sunday of Lent and we hear the story of Lazarus. This is the last story that John gives us in his Gospel about the ministry of Jesus. It is a story that reminds us of the power of faith even when everything seems to be beyond hope.
Next Sunday see the beginning of Holy week and the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. This leads us to the most important time in the Church year. The celebration of the Easter miracle.
Small Changes to the timetable next term.
Next term will see a minor change to our specialist timetable.
The 4/5/6 classes will have their specialist times from 9:00am and the F/1, 1/2 and year 3 classes will move to after play time. This is so that the junior classes can make the most of the morning time for their literacy learning time.
Upcoming Dates:
The calendar seems to be filling up:
- Saturday March 25 - The Feast of the Annunciation
- Sunday March 26 - 5th Sunday of Lent
- Wednesday March 29th - AFL clinics. Thanks Mr O'Sullivan for organising this.
- 31st March Castlemaine and districts AFL Day Years 3-6
- Sunday April 2 Daylight Savings ends
- Sunday April 2 Palm Sunday which begins Holy Week
- Thursday April 6 last day of Term 1
- Sunday April 9 Easter Sunday
- Monday April 24 Term 2 begins
- Tuesday April 25 ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)
- 28th April Cross Country Years 3-6
- 4th May - School Photos
Thank you to everyone who has helped in making Term 1 a fantastic start to the 2023 school year. We are so lucky to have such talented teachers and support staff providing great learning opportunities for the children.
Have a great last few weeks of term 1.