Year 2 Team News 

Year 2 Team News!


Isn’t it true? We have fun in Year 2!!


What a great start to the year! The Year Two students have settled in beautifully and are being great role models for Year 1 students. We are constantly running out of spark bucks because everyone continues to show our positive behaviour expectations.


Students have learnt more about positive coping strategies and mindfulness. We have learnt that being healthy is not just our diet and exercise but also our mental health. This included making good choices and how our actions impact ourselves and those around us.


In Reading, we have been retelling stories and describing character traits using bubble maps to explore our thinking. Students have been continually practising their jolly phonics sounds and using their knowledge to help segment unknown words when reading. It’s been so exciting exploring our 1/2 community library and having the opportunity to borrow and take books home. 


In Writing, students have been working through the writing process, planning, drafting and editing a personal recount of our whole-school open afternoon. While writing our recounts, we have considered the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when and why). We have also focused on making our writing more exciting by adding adjectives and adverbs. Our students linked reading and writing, creating a bubble map with adjectives to describe characters in books such as Pig the Pug and Macca the Alpaca.



So far in Maths this year, we have focused on calendars, months and seasons, place value and data. Students were challenged to make and draw calendars when given only one date as a starting point, such as the first day of school was Tuesday, the 31st of January. In our place value focus, we were challenged to make precisely 1000. Our room was excited as students made massive lines of unifix cubes. We then started to lose track of the count and worked through many different strategies, including making 10s, 100s and putting this together into a 1000 cube. In data and statistics, we explored different questions we can ask to collect data. From this, we surveyed our classmates, created data tables with tally marks, and graphed and analysed the data. 




We’re so proud of the way our Year Two students have begun the year and look forward to watching them learn and grow throughout the year. 


Kaitlyn Vates 2A, Amanda Vigilanti and Brendan Hodge 2B.