A note from Mr Jackson

As our startup programs in classes conclude, it has been great to see that students have settled into calm routines that support student learning. These routines enable students to predict what will happen and build confidence in approaching learning tasks. As students understand what they need to unpack from their bag as they enter the classroom and what to do with their drink bottle or reading folder, they can build towards independence that will support their preparedness for learning.


Attendance is Important

Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day. Attending and participating in school will help your child develop:

  • important skills and knowledge to help them learn
  • social and emotional skills such as good communication, resilience and team work.

Evidence suggests that children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have better health, better job opportunities and higher income across their lives.


There is no safe number of days for missing school. Each day a student misses puts them behind.


I encourage you to take holidays during school holiday periods and not during term time. While there are benefits in costs and congestion, taking holidays during school term is disruptive for a child’s learning and their connection to school and peers. Please contact me if you and your family are planning a holiday. As attendance at school is compulsory, permission for students to be absent due to holidays must be sought prior to the holiday absence. If the holiday absence is not approved, they remain classified as Parent Choice: Unapproved, on their record.


We have prepared an easy-to-read resource sheet to support parents in adding a note to explain the absence of their child using Compass. I urge you to download it and use it as a support to note your child’s absence on Compass.



Traffic Concerns

A special thanks to those who have responded to a range of traffic incidents in our local vicinity over the week. I have received numerous expressions of concern from parents and our neighbours concerning the dangers posed by traffic in our area. These are sharp reminders of the need for all of us to do everything we can to keep each other safe. Some simple actions  can make all the difference;

  • Consider parking in the neighbouring streets and walking to and from the school. These times are a great opportunity to enter into conversations as they prepare or debrief from their day at school.
  • Ride a bike or walk to school to help ease congestions, stay fit and limit emissions
  • Always obey the parking restrictions and make common sense decisions when picking up students or dropping them off – three point turns in our narrow streets leaves drivers frustrated! 

This week I have contacted Banyule Council and encouraged them to both monitor the area for violations of parking restrictions. I have also sought advice on the process to review the current traffic environment to explore possible engineering solutions to traffic congestion. If you have similar concerns, I encourage you to contact the Council.


Traffic Incident Followup

We were thankful to receive a visit from the cyclist involved in the traffic accident earlier in the week. He was grateful for the support received during the event and we were certainly happy to hear of his eagerness to recover his bike we had been looking after. 


A special thanks again for our staff who implemented the Emergency Management Plan and provided first aid, supported students and coordinated our response. 


Leadership Ceremony Celebrates Students’ Contribution

It was great to celebrate our student leaders last week at the Student Leadership Ceremony. Students were presented with their badges and their contribution celebrated. Discussions around the school values during the term, as well as the School Review, has reminded us of all our responsibilities to shape a community, focused on learning and wellbeing. It was great to have Anthony Carbines in attendance to present students with their badges and discuss with him the possibility of capital works in the future.


Superheroes Achieve the Impossible


We are grateful for those who supported the Working Bee on Saturday morning. A large band of volunteers refreshed our sandpits, spread mulch throughout playgrounds, repaired guttering, blew the upper and lower playgrounds, cleaned up the chicken coup, and feasted on sausages! Students thrived, enjoying new sand play equipment as well as fresh sand this week. Thanks to all who have helped lend a hand to care for our community.


‘Literacy in the Younger Years’ a Resource Filled Evening

On Wednesday evening, parents of our Prep students as well as those from local Kindergartens, joined to explore strategies to support the learning of literacy at home. A special thanks to Lynda Whitechurch and Emily Seing leading the evening and sharing their passion for shaping curious and literate learners. It is always great to gather and share ways to support students and their families.


‘I Am Mindful’ Evening 

A gathering of parents on Monday night dived deep into some of the mindful strategies being implemented at Rosanna Primary. While a group of Year 5 students are participating in regular workshops, the evening was a powerful reminder of some simple techniques that can support the health and wellbeing of all. Thanks to all who shared in this insightful webinar.


FORPS Picnic Reminder

A reminder not to miss the BBQ on Friday 17 March. This is always a gentle and relaxed evening on the oval. Come to kick the football, dabble in some artwork, eat a sausage or enjoy the chance to make some new connections. All are welcome.



Next Wednesday, students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in the NAPLAN assessments. Students sit assessments in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The information that we gain will inform our strategic planning while supporting staff to pinpoint the next learning step of individual students. I encourage parents to ensure students arrive on time as we shape a supportive and positive environment.


Further information for parents https://nap.edu.au/docs/default-source/default-document-library/naplan-information-brochure-for-parents-and-carers.pdf