Important Dates and Information

Parent Calendar

Parent Calendar

Term Dates 2023

Term 1 January 30 – Thursday April 6

Term 2  April 24 – 23 June 23

Term 3  July 10 – September 15

Term 4 October 2 – December 20

School Closure Days 2023

24th April

9th June

10th July

14th August

6th November

1st December


Medical Consent Form

Please use this form if your child needs to take any temporary medication at school (antibiotics, eye drops, Ventolin, creams or lotions etc.).  All medication MUST be bought to the office.

School Uniform

Please read the policy below if you are unsure of the correct wearing of the Uniform. 


Students who are in incorrect shoes, with a note, must be for a maximum of one week. Correct shoes are to be worn till the end of the school year (it is not acceptable to be in incorrect shoes to save purchasing of new shoes towards the end of the school year).


Microfibre jacket can only be worn with the Sport Uniform or over the jumper for extra warmth.

Uniform Policy


The Galilee School Uniform is available for purchase from PSW.


PSW Uniform: 1/128 Bertie Street, Port Melbourne 9768 0385

Prices can be found on the PSW Website.


Second Hand Uniform @ Galilee

This is located in the foyer outside the art room and is open on Tuesday mornings from 8:50am to 9:00am.


The Price List for Second Hand Uniforms are here.






There is also a Facebook Group which provides second hand uniform shop stock updates.

Look Up: Galilee Regional Catholic School Second Hand Uniform Shop.

Lunch Orders 

Attached is the lunch order list and ordering information for Renatta Catering. Order online at


Lunch Order Price List 2022

Galilee Out of School Hours (GOSH)

To register and book for your child to attend before or after school care, please do so via this link.


To book your child into Danceworld lessons during recess/lunch or for more information, visit or feel free to visit the studio next door to Galilee.