Stage 6
Stage 6 overview
Year 12
Best of luck to all our Year 12s who are sitting their Trial Examinations during Weeks 6 and 7. Many are also very busy completing and submitting practical and project work for the HSC. These students have demonstrated great grit and true determination to complete this work to a very high standard.
Year 12 classes will resume as normal in Week 8 and all students are expected back at school. This year, all Year 12 students will also be back in classes for the first week of Term 4 (unlike previous years when the end of Term 3 marked the end of Year 12's academic year).
We are excited by this change, as we are planning ways to increase academic support for our students. Ms Cotton and Mr Craven are currently developing a holiday study program for interested Year 12 students, which we are anticipating will be held at the school and conducted by teachers. It is a great initiative and we urge all our Year 12 students to take full advantage of this opportunity.
The new Covid-19 restrictions have meant that we need to reformulate Year 12's final celebrations. Therefore, we have decided to reschedule the Year 12 Valedictory celebrations until after the HSC exams. Students and families should expect further updates once we have finalised arrangements.
Year 11
It is fantastic to see so many Year 11 students submit applications to express interest in taking on the role our 2021 School Leaders. Deadline for applications are due into Ms Hoddinott by Friday 28 August. As a part of the process, interested Year 11 students have been invited to attend a weekly Captains’ Meeting to further understand the role. The next stage of the School Leader selection process involves all applicants presenting a speech addressing the question: What contribution can I make to the ASC community in my role as a student leader? This year we are planning to present these speeches in a digital format. Voting for our 2021 School Leaders will be concluded by the end of this term.
Year 11 students who drive to school are required to complete the Driver's Form which can be found on the ASC Parent Portal (or from Mrs Hoddinott in her office). Up-to-date information about who is driving to school and their prospective passengers is necessary to allow us to continue to keep our students safe.
Earlier this term, Year 11 students participated in a workshop focusing on safe partying. It was run by the Police School Liaison Officer Senior Constable Jaime Porter, with students attending within their Crew Classes in order to comply with Covid-19 protocols. The workshop addressed many important issues to combat risk-taking behaviour, as well as encouraging students to see how the police can work together with them to keep them safe. We value our relationship with Jaime, who is often present at ASC supporting students and staff.
Year 11's course work is drawing to a close, with examinations scheduled at the end of this term. We urge them to approach their teachers and discuss what they need to study, especially because for many this will be the first large and formal exam experience.
It is always a pleasure to work with our senior students – please do not hesitate to contact me or Mr. Vaughan (Head Teacher, Stage 6) if you have any concerns or questions.
Susan Hoddinott
Deputy Principal (Stage 6)
Year 11 Outdoor Recreation
The Year 11 Outdoor Recreation class undertook a navigation exercise at Imbota Reserve on Friday 21 August.
The intrepid explorers (pictured above) survived freezing conditions and sago snow to navigate to numerous landmarks in the area. Students were required to establish grid bearings from a topographic map, convert this to a magnetic bearing, and then follow their compass to successfully complete the course.
The group initially navigated to a dam near the road and then “aimed off” to locate a road junction. They read the contours on the map to follow the spine of the hill, through a saddle, and to the summit. The last leg was to take a direct line back to the bus. Unfortunately, the group did not compensate for the general slope of the hill and were off by about 200m at the end ... but not bad for a first attempt!
Tim Channon
PDHPE Teacher