Stage 4
Stage 4 report
Every year ASC runs a Year 6-into-Year 7 transition programme with our partner primary schools to help pave the way for a smooth high school entry the following year. Unfortunately, the recent changes in Covid-19 guidelines have forced us to put our visits on hold until Term 4. Further updates will be provided as our plans are adapted.
We are currently guiding our students through the subject selection process for next year. I encourage parents/carers to contact me with any questions.
Scott Breen
Deputy Principal (Stage 4)
Year 7 Wellbeing Day
Our ever-resilient and enthusiastic Year 7s refused to allow very wet and cold weather interrupt a special Wellbeing Day held at
the Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre earlier this month.
Students engaged in a variety of wellbeing workshops that focused on activities such as working collaboratively, being safe online, kindness, and supporting mental well-being and inclusion.
It was a fabulous day, full of special activities such as drama games and juggling.
We thank our Year 10 Peer Leaders for their invaluable support and the many staff who contributed to the highly successful day.
Jess Brennan & Tanya Williams
Year 7 Advisors
Year 7 Game Changer
Congratulations to our Year 7 Game Changer team who recently submitted their application! Their game-changing idea was based on creating a Smart Navigation Scooter and H.E.L.P (Help Elderly Loved People) App. The proposal would provide more support for our elderly residents to access community programmes. Using technology in this way would bring our community closer together.
Great work team!
Jess Brennan
Teacher Librarian