School News

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2021 

Kindergarten enrolments for 2021 are  open.  If you would like an enrolment package, please contact the school office. 


If you have already collected an enrolment package for your Kindergarten 2021 child, please complete the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible so your enrolment interview can be scheduled. 


Please note, that until enrolment paperwork is received at the school office, we can not hold places for Kindergarten 2021.  Therefore, if you currently have a child at St Mary's and have a younger sibling starting Kinder next year, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

School Satisfaction Survey

An annual satisfaction survey of parents, students and staff will be conducted on behalf of all Catholic schools in the Diocese this term. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to inform school improvement. Responses are confidential and individuals can not be identified.  


The surveys will be launched via email on Monday 31 August 2020 using the email addresses supplied to the school. If you do not receive an email with a link to the survey, you can access and complete the survey at the following link.

School Uniform for Term  3

Students should be in their full winter school uniform for Terms  3. For sports uniform, all students wear their coloured house sports shirt on Friday, yellow sports shirt days will be as follows:


Kindergarten - Thursday

Year 1 and 2 - Tuesday

Year 3 and 4 - Wednesday

Year 5 and 6 - Thursday


A reminder that during the winter terms, students should be wearing school beanies and navy scarves as their winter woollies. Some students are wearing multi coloured beanies and scarves, this is not part of our school's uniform. Children still need to wear their St Mary's school hat.  Jewellery and nail polish are not permitted (apart from a watch and small studs/sleepers). Hair accessories should be in the school colours.

Lost Property

Please check your children's uniforms regularly to ensure the labels are clear to enable us to return lost items to their rightful owner.


In addition, it would be appreciated if items labelled with another child's name have inadvertently been taken home could be returned to the school office so we can return them. 

Items for Sale

With the colder weather, St Mary's navy beanies are for sale at the front office for $11.

We also sell library bags to protect your books for $13.  Our sturdy pencil cases, available in a range of colours, are currently selling for $3 or 2 for $5 (usual cost $6 each)!! All items are available for purchase through QkR!

Students in Sick Bay

In the current climate, if your child presents at sick bay complaining of feeling sick, we are required to call parents to collect their children. Likewise, if your child has a cough, sore throat, runny nose or other illness, please keep them at home and do not send them to school. As per NSW Health guidelines, if your child has any COVID symptoms, please have them tested.  A negative test result needs to be provided to the school and the child needs to be symptom-free prior to their return. Thanks for your co-operation.

Plastic Lids

Lids 4 Kids are collecting certain lids and bread ties to be recycled and turned into prosthetic arms and limbs.  There is a collection box in the school front foyer. It will be collected at the end of each week. 



O'Connor Catholic College Enrolments for 2021


Whole School Assembly

Whole School Assemblies for this term are still cancelled.   

Newsletter Contributions

Please email contributions for the next newsletter to by 5pm, Tuesday 8th September 2020.