Classroom News - Year 4

Mrs Ross and Mr Norrie


Another busy week! The children have worked well in all learning areas. We have been focusing on the Rosary. Each child prepared a poster, focusing on a particular mystery, and led a decade as we prayed the Rosary together. The teachers were very impressed with their understanding, preparation and reverence. Well done, Year 4!


In Science the children were very motivated with creating their own board game, related to magnets and magnetic forces. Congratulations to everyone! The children enjoyed the process of planning and creating, but particularly playing with their friends. This was another activity/process that impressed the teachers.


This week we have begun a new Project Based Learning topic relating to the Year 4 Geography unit about the Earth's Environment.  In this topic we will explore the climate, natural vegetation and native animals of places in Australia. They develop an understanding of the diversity of living things, how they affect each other, and the interdependence of living things and the environment.


Some of the magnetic board games designed and built by Year 4.

Magnetic Car Soccer
Magnetic Fishing
Magnetic Race
Magnetic Car Soccer
Magnetic Fishing
Magnetic Race
Magnetic Boxing/Wrestling
Magnetic Soccer
Magnetic Soccer
Magnetic Boxing/Wrestling
Magnetic Soccer
Magnetic Soccer