Specialist News

Term 3 

Physical Education 

Welcome back everyone!

Everybody did an amazing job in Term 3, demonstrating resilience and hard work! It looks like Term 4 will finally be spent at school, though! How exciting is that!

For our week at home, we are starting PE nice and easy.

The Seniors are doing a fitness challenge, where each student chooses their own exercises. I have provided many examples to support your program.

The Juniors are starting with a choice board with a range of full workouts, dances, yoga and more.

Weather and lockdowns permitting, we are planning on covering the following sports and their associated skills this term:

  • Cricket
  • Lacrosse
  • Volleyball
  • Badminton

I look forward to a term full of fun and I can’t wait to see everyone next week!

Mr Jenkins

Visual Arts

Welcome to a new term of Art.

The holidays have seen us here at home work with some fantastic resources that we hadn’t worked with in a while and didn’t even know we had. I hope you too have found relief away from your devices to have a go at cooking and trying new foods, playing new games and making new friends. 

In keeping with making connections with real life – and the working world, we are again this week looking at being designers. Our Year 3 – 6 students will be investigating shoe design by looking at the history and origin of shoe design, seeing the world’s most bizarre shoes and designing shoes with a choice of media and techniques that appeal to a wide range of skill levels. Our F – 2 students similarly will be book illustrators this week.

Have a wonderful first week of school. Make the most of it as we are all very much looking forward to welcoming you back in our specialist rooms next week. 

Gabriele Uhlendorf

Performing Arts

A new term - a new chance to create! 

We ended last term with some outstanding performances across all year levels.  This term will be full of new learning opportunities that will allow the students to expand their knowledge, be creative and perform. 

Year 5/6 will be revising their music knowledge and then creating their own composition pieces with the skills they have learnt. Year 3/4 will be building on their drama skills and creating some entertaining performances. Year 1/2  and Foundations will be singing, dancing and playing instruments as a part of their music unit.


I look forward to sharing the students work with you over the term and will keep you posted on Performing Arts performances and events that arise.  

Claire Andrews and Seona Cosgriff


Selamat siang dan selamat datang kembali!

Welcome back! What an enormous term it was - I would like to say terima kasih again to all of our wonderful families. The resilience, creativity and dedication you showed to your work last term was hebat  and certainly didn't go unnoticed! 

This term, we start our new topics across the board! Our 5/6 students will be delving into a Indonesian cultural or religious celebration of their own choice, as well as creating a presentation to teach other students! They will be able to choose if they wish to take a historic or cultural lens to the presentation. In 3/4, students will be learning a song to begin their topic of Indonesian geography, tourism and exploration! We're travelling to the beach this week! In Junior school this term, 1/2 students will be learning about the weather and creating weather forecasts! However, this week we will be learning about pelangi - rainbows, because we are keeping our spirits up for our last week of remote learning! And finally, in Foundation, students will be celebrating themselves - or at least their birthdays! 

I'm already looking forward to seeing everyone in week two! Look after yourselves - we can do this!

Terima kasih, dan sampai minggu depan!

Bu Marissa Mundy