Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4.

It has been very exciting to have our Kinder back today. This morning we welcomed Budja and Wimbi back onsite. It didn't matter that it was raining everyone was just happy to be back seeing their friends and teachers.

Remote Learning for One More Week.

There is one more week of Remote Learning for all Primary students and then it's back to onsite. We will see everyone back on Monday 12th October - we know that many schools are staggering the days but staff have worked hard to ensure we can start with everyone back for Week 2.

Thank you for the amazing response to our parent survey I sent out over the weekend and also all of the suggestions. We believe it's important to involve all of our parents and carers in our plans so that we can make the return to onsite schooling as smooth as possible.

Return to Onsite Staggered Start/Finish Times

To minimise interaction of adults at entry/exit points:

○ Kinder students enter/exit through Hall door off Mount Pleasant Road at normal start and finish times.

Foundation Students: 

9.00am FD and FH students enter through the foyer to line up in the courtyard. 

FG and FJ enter through the gate near Senior Playground off Mt Pleasant Road and line up in front of playground with their teachers. Foundation students will be dismissed at 3.30 pm through foyer and gate near Senior Playground to parents outside. 

Year 1/2 Students: 

9.00am Year 1/2 BR, E, O & W enter through double gates on Eugenia Street onto the oval and line up on the Senior basketball court. Parent or carer may enter the oval area to drop off and collect students. Students will be dismissed at 3.30pm.

9.00am Year 1/2H, 1/2P and 1/2 K students enter through Staff Car Park 1 and line up on Junior Basketball courts. Students dismissed at 3.30pm

Year 3/4 Students: 

8.45 am Year 3/4  students enter through the gate near Senior Playground off Mt Pleasant Road and line up line at classroom doors. Dismissed at 3.15pm.

Year 5/6 Students: 

8.45 am Year 5/6 students enter through double gates on Eugenia Street onto the oval and line up at classroom doors. Parent or carer may enter the oval area to drop off and collect students. Dismissed at 3.15pm.

○ Older siblings (Years 3-6) will need to escort their younger sibling to the courtyard when they arrive in the morning where they will be supervised by a teacher. At the end of the day older siblings will be supervised in the courtyard until 3:30pm where they will exit with their youngest sibling.

○ Siblings in the Junior School must enter and exit through the youngest siblings entry/exit. 

One parent/carer only to bring and collect students to and from school.

○ Parents/carers should maintain 1.5m physical distancing, wearing face masks and must not linger at the Learning Centre drop off or pick up areas. Students are not required to practice physical distancing or wear face masks. If students want to wear face masks they may. 

○ Temperature checks are no longer necessary.

○ Parents should only enter the school grounds when absolutely essential to do so and must notify the school by phone or email beforehand.

○ Please avoid passing entry/exit points and use crossings or the long way round to support social distancing.

○ Parent/carer can encourage students to meet them at a point near crossings.

○ Students who are unwell must stay at home if they have cold like symptoms.

Zoom Parent/Carer Q & A

We have amended our COVID-19 Return to School Policy which outlines in more detail the hygiene practices, enhanced cleaning and additional arrangements for the term. 

I will hold a Parent Q&A on Friday 9th October at 10.00 am and be available to answer any questions you may have concerning the return to onsite schooling.

Kim Streitberger is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 9064 8658 

Passcode: iQJ28m