Religious Education and Social Justice

Sacraments 2020

Sacraments 2020
Sacraments 2020


As you are aware, due to the COVID-19 pandemic all church services have been affected by the restrictions put in place by the Chief Health Officer of Victoria. 


As a consequence, the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation scheduled for 2020 have all been postponed until such time that these celebrations are once again permitted to take place in the church. 


Families have been inquiring about when the celebrations will be re-scheduled. Unfortunately, we are not in a position at this stage to advise families of new dates. Please rest assured that as soon as we are given further information about the sacraments being able to go ahead we will inform parents. 


Children who miss out on receiving their sacrament this year will receive the sacraments next year when, hopefully, restrictions are lifted.

The Season of Creation

As we draw closer to the end of this term let us pause and take some time to reflect on God's creation. For many weeks now we have only been permitted to travel a relatively short distance from our homes but hopefully, you have been able to enjoy the gifts of God's creation around you.


The pink and white blossom on trees, flowers beginning to appear in gardens, birds chirping earlier each day as the sun rises and the warmth of the sun strengthening as we enter the season of Spring.


Now that we are permitted to spend two hours each day outside for exercise try to focus on the beauty of God's creation as you go for a walk or bike ride. Listen to the birds, notice the blossom and flowers and feel the sun's warmth. Give thanks and praise God for his creation. 



"God saw what he had made and it was very good" Genesis 1 : 31
"God saw what he had made and it was very good" Genesis 1 : 31

A Prayer of Gratitude 

for Creation

God of the universe,

We thank You for Your many good gifts

-For the beauty of Creation and its rich and varied fruits,

For clean water and fresh air, 

for food and shelter, animals and plants.

Forgive us for the times we have taken the earth's resources for granted

And wasted what You have given us.

Transform our hearts and minds 

So that we would learn to care and share,

To touch the earth with gentleness 

and with love,

Respecting all living things.

We pray for all those who suffer 

as a result of our waste, 

greed and indifference, 

And we pray that the day would come when everyone has enough food and clean water.

Help us to respect the rights of all people 

and all species 

And help us to willingly share your gifts

Today and always. 





May God bless us all and keep us safe.


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader