Parish News

Parish Information

Parish Priest:  Fr Ken D’Souza

Phone:  (08) 9276 1008Email:

Secretary: Amanda Reneaux

Parish Mass Times


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday- 8:00am

Wednesday 9:00am

Weekend Saturday—Vigil Mass  6:00pm

Sunday—Mass 7:30am, 9:30am and 5:00pm

Parish Youth Mass—Last Saturday of each month

Youth Led Liturgy & Fellowship Saturday 6 April

Youth Mass 6pm and Fellowship at 7:00pm in Parish Hall. Youth and families welcome. Food provided, with activities to follow. Please come and join in and meet some new people from Balcatta and Nollamara. Please call  Rhea on 0420980380 or  Anabelle on 0419945147 if you have any queries.

Morning Tea

First Sunday Morning Tea is on Sunday 7 April. Please bring a plate to share!  We look forward to seeing you there.  ALL ARE WELCOME!!!

April, the Month of The Holy Eucharist

Of all seven sacraments, the Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is the most central and important to Catholicism. Holy Communion is offered at every Mass, and in fact, the ritual of the Mass is largely taken up with preparing the hosts (wafers made of wheat and water, or gluten-free) and wine to become the body and blood of Christ and the congregation to receive the body of Christ. Transubstantiation is the act of changing the substances of bread and wine into the substances of the Body and Blood of Christ.