Principal's Message

Prayer for Grandparents

Lord Jesus,

you were born of the Virgin Mary, the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne.

Look with love on grandparents the world over.

Protect them! They are a source of enrichment for families, for the Church and for all of society.

Support them! As they grow older,

may they continue to be for their families

strong pillars of Gospel faith, guardian of noble domestic ideals, living treasuries of sound religious traditions.

Make them teachers of wisdom and courage,

that they may pass on to future generations the fruits

of their mature human and spiritual experience.


Parent Information Session - Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2020

All community members are invited to the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2020 Information Session on Thursday 11 April at 9.30am. The Information Session will be held in the Fr. O'Mara Centre. The Leadership Team will be presenting and a tour of the school will be offered by our Year 6 students, tea and coffee will be provided for all families at the conclusion of the session. Parents are encouraged to invite family friends who have young children commencing in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten in 2020.

Grandparents' Morning Tea and Open Morning

What a wonderful morning we had at OLA! It was fantastic to see so many of our grandparents join us for the Open Morning and Morning Tea. Grandparents are an extremely important part of our students' lives and we are glad we had the opportunity to celebrate them today.


I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mrs Meyerkort and Mrs Barclay for coordinating the event and setting up the Fr. O'Mara Centre, our OLA Board Member, Mr Sigle, for assisting in the purchasing of food items and setting up, the OLA staff for providing the morning tea items and to all our wonderful OLA grandparents for being such wonderful and special people!


Stations of the Cross

All families are invited to join us in the church for Stations of the Cross on Thursday 11 April at 2pm. The Stations will be re-enacted by our Year 6 students. We hope you can join us.

Uniform 'Fire Sale' & Update

The Uniform Sale continues, the current specials can be found on the Uniform Shop page of this newsletter.


It has been brought to my attention there is still some confusion in the community about the OLA current and future school uniforms hence the reason why I am sending out this flyer to all families.


As communicated to all community members in recent weeks, the decision has been made to update our school uniform to a more modern, comfortable uniform that will cater for the needs of both genders at OLA as well as have the new school’s crest on items of clothing. Also stated in my previous correspondence, there will be a transition period of 5 years, which is a fair amount of time given to families to change over to the new uniform (from my experience as a leader, schools normally give 2 years maximum with some schools changing over immediately and requesting parents to purchase the new uniforms). Because of the 5 year transition period, the decision was made to have a ‘fire sale’ of the current old stock, with most items reduced to 50% below the original cost. Items of clothing were also bundled and are being sold as a package.


I am attaching a FAQ sheet so there is clarity as to what the students can and can't wear. It also answers questions parents are asking to seek clarity. Each week I will update the FAQ (adding  the new questions parents ask at the top of the page). Please take the time to read the attached document. If I don't include an update on the uniforms in future newsletters, it will mean no further questions have been asked. 

Term 2-4 Planner

Please see the attachment for an updated 2019 planner. This document is also located on the new school website and is updated at the start of each term. Please remember to refer to the interactive calendar on the website for the most up to date information.

Pupil Free Days - Term 2

Please be advised the following dates are pupil free days:

- Friday 31 May

- Tuesday 4 June

- Friday 5 July


Staff will be attending Professional Development on these days. 

Have a great weekend!


Mr Greg Martin
