

                                                                   Mrs Leanne Schulz

Book Week Thank You!

A very big thank you to parents, students and staff for participating in the Book Week activities. Both Fairview and Cumberland Assemblies were fun and entertaining. There was such a variety of Book Characters and the costumes looked amazing. Fairview enjoyed dancing and parading, while Cumberland tested their short-listed book knowledge competing in a Kahoot. All enjoyed listening to the guest authors and illustrators who shared their insights into writing and illustrating. Ms Capraro, Ms Meszaros and the Library team did an amazing job organising Book Week activities for us all to enjoy. Thank you!

Fairview Disco Party

Prep Highlights 

Miss Gemma Jackson (AHOS)

We have had another two busy weeks in Prep. We enjoyed celebrating Book Week and had fun dressing up as book characters. We were very lucky last week and had a range of teachers from the school come and read stories to us on Zoom. In Maths, we explored 3D shapes. We found these in our home, made monsters and even robots! We have started learning about materials and textures in Integrated Studies and have discovered which are waterproof and which are not waterproof. It was fun experimenting. We are showing our learning every day and making our teachers proud!

Years 1 & 2

Ms Hannah Petterson (AHOS)

Year 1 and 2 students have been super busy with lots of hands-on learning activities. Year 1 students have been exploring space and have displayed our learning in lots of different ways. We have also been learning about statistics and graphs. Year 2 students have been looking into forces, such as push and pull. We have been exploring different experiments that use push and pull. In Maths, we have been using arrays to solve division questions. Have a look at the photos with lots happening!

Years 3 & 4

Mrs Anne Adams (AHOS)

The celebrations of Book Week were enjoyed by all students and teachers last week. The guest authors and activities were met with enthusiasm and smiles from the Year 3 and Year 4 students. Students are to be congratulated for taking time to dress up. It was nice to see siblings involved, too. Year 4 students have been working on division. Dividing (sharing) food put an entertaining spin on Maths for the week. Students in Year 3 have been working on their Spanish speaking skills. Learning parts of the face and colours are depicted in the wonderful posters the students have completed.

Years 5 & 6

Mr Nigel Keegan (AHOS)

Book Week was a recent highlight for our Year 5 and Year 6 students, especially character dress-ups, the Cumberland quiz and guest author visits. Year 5 and Year 6 students were fortunate to hear from two of Australia’s great authors: Nova Weetman spoke to Year 5 students, and George Ivanoff spoke with Year 6 students. Together we learnt about each author, how he/she comes up with ideas and how each works, and many other useful tips to benefit our own writing.


There is a lot happening in each subject as the end of term draws closer. Students are busy completing a range of assessment work and class tasks. Thank you for your support from home as your child/children apply themselves and demonstrate their progress with their learning.

Primary Assemblies

Thank you to all the families who attend the Fairview and Cumberland Assemblies. It is a highlight of the week to see the learning that is showcased and to see all the students as a community at the Zoom meeting together. It brings a smile to everyone’s face!


Fairview Assembly






Cumberland Assembly


Year 5 Life Skills

Kids Helpline Wellbeing Zoom Session

The Year 5 students had a guest presenter and trained counsellor, Brooke, from the Kids Helpline during their Life Skills lesson this week. The topic was based around strategies to help during COVID 19. They had discussions normalising their feelings and emotions by exploring their experiences and changes during this time. The 5C self-care coping strategy was introduced: Calm, Care, Create, Connect and Chat. For each ‘C’, students brainstormed ideas in each category that could be used to help them feel positive and take care of their wellbeing. The Life Skills lesson was informative and engaging. Brooke encouraged students to talk to someone they trusted if they needed help.


Kids Helpline is also available at all hours for children and young people aged between 5-25, as well as their carers.

Kids Helpline

Year 4 & 6 Life Skills

Next week the Year 4 students and the Year 6 students have guest presenters from the Kids Helpline during their Life Skills lessons. The following information outlines the content covered:


Year 4 Life Skills Session


  • Introduction to COVID-19
  • Exploration of class' experiences of COVID-19 and changes
  • Normalising feelings and emotions
  • Discussion of body clues using Battery analogy
  • Coping Strategy: 5 C's (5 C's of self-care: Calm, Care, Create, Connect and Chat)
  • Discussion around what coping strategies the class might find helpful/have used before
  • Exploration of who the class' supports are (5 fingers of support)

Year 6 Life Skills Session

Developing Resilience

  • Introduction to resilience and what it means to have resilience
  • Exploration of times we might use resilience and why it’s important
  • Strategy of growing your resilience - 4 P’s
  • Positive (Practising positive self-talk)
  • Perspective (Changing how we see a challenge & asking for help)
  • Problem Solve (problem solving skills & critical thinking skills)
  • Persevere (Trying your best and persevering even if you struggle the first time – just keep trying)

Strategies for Successfully Raising Boys by Michael Grose (Parenting Expert)

‘Boys are awesome. They are also exhausting, challenging and can be difficult to manage at times. The key to raising a happy, confident and balanced boy is to understand what makes him tick. One of the keys to parenting success is the ability to adapt strategies and principles to suit the gender of the children in your family'. In this article Parenting Ideas founder, Michael Grose, gives a boy-friendly angle to some common parenting strategies.

Read the full article