Principal's Message

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Sunday we celebrate Fathers’ Day. It is a special time for everyone, although a little different in this COVID world. We can use the day to honour fathers, also to thank other men who have acted as father figures in our lives – whether as stepfathers, uncles, big brothers or grandfathers. It has been said that any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad. As we approach another Father’s Day, let us offer a tribute to our Dads, yours and mine.


Generous God, who is like a loving father to us, we ask you to bless the men whom we love and are fathers to us. Keep them safe each and every day and hold them in your loving embrace. Give them strong and loving hearts, bless the work they do and surround them with love and peace.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Please keep an eye out for two communications coming through tomorrow from Flexischools, with a special dedication to our dads.

FETE Update

As you may have already assumed we will not be proceeding with this year's planned FETE due to the COVID restrictions. At this stage we will wait to see how we are placed early next year before we recommence planning a future date for this wonderful community event.

Fee Statements

School fee statements were recently re-issued. Adjustments to the statements were made, deducting the swimming levy, excursion levy and camp fees for 2020. If you have any queries regarding the fee statement please feel welcome to contact the office for clarification.

We also acknowledge and respect that families may be facing financial difficulties during this COVID crisis with parents out of work. If you require assistance with fees I would ask that you contact  me at school, either by phone or email, 


Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder that Parent Teacher interviews will be taking place next Wednesday 9th September from 9:00am - 5:00pm. 

A reminder that Wednesday 9th will be regarded as a school closure day. Teachers will not be setting work for students on this day but instead will offer some wellbeing activities, supporting our Wellbeing Wednesday theme. On-site supervision will not be offered for students on this day.

If you feel you have been in regular contact with your child’s classroom teacher throughout the term then you do not have to make a booking time for these interviews, as they are not compulsory.

If you wish to make a booking with your child’s classroom teacher on 9th September we would ask that you make a booking via the link on the COHR website

or by using the the School Interviews website

To make a booking, please enter the event code: dbays

Caremonkey has a new name

 CareMonkey has been re-branded and is now known as Operoo. Operoo is the same product you already know, just with a different name. 

You can continue using the system, and its mobile application, as usual. Just be aware that emails and notifications sent from the system will start appearing under the new name ‘Operoo’.  You will also be automatically diverted to the new Operoo website if you go to the old CareMonkey website.