Middle School Report  

As Term 3 draws to a close, we would like to thank and congratulate all the students for their commitment to their learning this term. Online learning has both challenges and opportunities for students, and we’re really pleased to see the high rates of attendance continuing. Well done!


Some of our highlights this term

The information evenings for VCE and VCAL were really well attended

Course counselling appointments were such a great chance to chat to students one to one and talk about future plans and subject selections

Class visits showing students engaged in so many different online platforms to support their learning.


Progress Reports provided further evidence of students’ resilience and determination to maintain high standards for their learning and progress

Karaoke and harmonica playing in Food Tech classes

Group projects and presentations using a variety of platforms and software


The Middle School Coordinators would like to wish all the students and their families a restful break over the two-week holidays. Whilst we know that students were hoping to return to onsite learning at the start of Term 4, we are confident that remote learning will continue to be successful. 




Ms Becky Annetts

Middle Sub School Leader