From the Principal Class Team

Dear Parents and Guardians

During this last week of term, we have been doing a great deal of planning for our return to onsite schooling in Term 4. It was wonderful to hear earlier this week that rural and regional Victoria is moving back to Stage 3: we are hopeful that Melbourne and its schools will soon follow.


Arrangements for Term 4

Week 1 5 – 9 October

  • Online learning will continue for all students for this week.
  • VCE and VCAL students can only attend onsite for essential assessments during this week, including the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 7 October.
  • Onsite supervision for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students will continue to be provided consistent with existing guidelines.


From Week 2 12 October

  • Year 11 and 12 students will now attend onsite schooling full time, and Year 10 students enrolled in a VCE or VCAL program will attend onsite for these classes.
  • Online learning will continue for all students in Grade 3 to Year 10, other than for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students. A date for the return of these year levels to face-to-face learning will be subject to further health advice

Providing a COVID safe environment for students and staff

We understand the concerns that parents, students and staff may be feeling about the return to onsite schooling. This is natural as we transition from the controlled environment of our homes with limited contact with others, back to a busy school.


Maintaining health and safety of all members of our school community is a high priority for us as we plan for Term 4.


To ensure this, we will continue with all the measures that we put in place earlier this term, and will also make some additional arrangements for the Year 11 and 12 students for the time that they are the only ones onsite.


The safety measures cover:

  • room allocations
  • temperature checks
  • face coverings
  • general hygiene measures
  • cleaning

You can view this advice in full below


Expectations for Year 11 and 12 students

  • Once the Year 11 and 12 students return to onsite schooling from 12 October, there will be no remote learning program for these year levels. Teachers will not be providing classes online after Friday 9 October.
  • All students will be expected to attend all classes at school each day.
  • The only exception to this will be if a student has a medical reason, confirmed by a certificate, that prevents them from attending.

Students must meet the 90% attendance requirements, including for Term 4.

If you have any concerns or need support with your child’s return to onsite schooling, please make sure you reach out to their Year Level Coordinator, or to a member of our Wellbeing Team.

School email contacts for students and families