Leah McBryde

Pastoral Leader of Year 7









This year we have once again recognised R U Ok? Day on Thursday 9th September. This is a day where we come together and check in with one another by asking the question R U Ok? We then listen respectfully to that person and make sure we know how to provide them with the resources to get the help needed. It is also a day where we simply take the time to check in especially in a time of uncertainty and the busyness of Term 3. 


On Thursday the College held a community breakfast between B & D Block. This was a time to build community spirit and have students, staff and families engaged in conversations. During pastoral group the pastoral mentors took time to explain the concept of the R U Ok? Day project and what it aims to do. Students were then given a Kit Kat to indicate that they could take time over the course of the day to “SHARE A CHIT CHAT WITH A KIT KAT”. The aim was for us all to stop for a moment and have a conversation with someone over a kit kat. To conclude the pastoral group session students engaged in prayer taking the time to pray for those who maybe struggling at this time and give them the power to ask for help and get the resources needed. 


Throughout the day students were provided with symbols of yellow throughout the College grounds with slogans and pointers on how to ask respectfully and listen with compassion and empathy. The greatest challenge for all students, staff and families is to make sure that these conversations continue beyond just R U Ok? Day and happen every day. It is hoped that this day of recognition each year re-energises people to check in with one another.


Students and families of the College are reminded that we have a wonderful pastoral support team at St Mary’s which include our Guidance Counsellors, Pastoral Leader of Year’s, Pastoral Mentors and Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing should support be required at any stage.


I hope that the day was an opportunity to spread the message of support for those who maybe struggling at this time and an opportunity to continue to build the community spirit at St Mary’s Catholic College.