World Challenge 

There are about 266 days until the World Challenge departure date. The World Challenge girls had a team meeting earlier this week in preparation for their Practice Hike on 22 to 23 March in Gembrook.


They were presented with all of the typical items that they will need on their practice hike and also on their expedition. There were many items that were considered “unnecessary” or “definitely do not bring”. The key to packing for World Challenge is to follow their “suggested list” and to not take any more items than what they suggest.


I found hand washing my clothes in 2017 to be the best option. I did take far too many clothes but this is something that I will not do in 2019. The very reasonably priced laundromats are also a great option to the busy World Challengers who are keen to have clean clothes but do not want to waste time hand washing as there are too many other touristy things to do in their spare time.


Start looking for cheaper options with regard to purchasing items. Look for sales, borrow from friends or borrow from 2017 World Challenge girls. Quite a lot of the Outdoor Adventure businesses offer discounts to students doing World Challenge. Aussie Disposals on Nepean Highway will offer discounts to Kilbreda students doing the World Challenge.


The Practice Hike is 22 to 23 March. At this stage the hike is still going ahead. The World Challenge team will monitor the bushfires around the Bunyip Forest over the next few weeks. They will keep the students, parents and staff informed. There is a possibility that the venue could change or the date could change. We will also keep families informed of any changes.


Attached is a copy of the letter that went home during the week.



We ask that parents complete the yellow consent form and return to school by Friday 8 March. The girls have also been asked to update their personal details on the World Challenge website and complete the dietary requirements information by 8 March.


If you have any questions, then please contact any of the World Challenge Teacher Leaders.   


Maree Clark

World Challenge Leader